There are 4 kinds of suicide:
Egoistic suicide:
individual is weakly integrated into society and decides that his death will not have any impact on the society. there are no social ties to keep him from taking his own life. common form of suicide in widows/divorcees and young punks
Altruistic suicide:
altruism is the opposite of egoism. the individual is extremely dependent on the society to the point that he believes that he has no life of his own and his death will be beneficial to the society. possibly because he sees himself as a burden, or as a sacrifice to achieve a greater ideal. such as samurais, kamikaze pilots, and suicide bombers.
Anomic suicide:
weak social regulation between the society's norms and the individual. basically the norms in society does not correspond to the life goals of the individual. could be due to dramatic changes in the economy or society.
Fatalistic suicide:
fatalism is the opposite of anomie. social regulation is so strongly instilled in the individual that he believes there is no hope of going against the oppresive discipline of the society. individual fulfillment is impossible and the only way to be released is suicide.
social integration = attachment to the individuals in society
social regulation = attachment to the values and norms of society