SOFT Jam 2008 3rd Aug Sunday 3-5pm

Upon looking at the video for the reggae thingy, I realized how stoned I looked through the slower stuff... AND I'M THE ONLY GUY WITH A POINTY GUITAR.
Aiya its ok lah! Master of Puppets if never practice theres no way you'll remember it, it's simple riffs but shit, the arrangement is an ass to memorize. next time get more shredders down!
although i didn't get to play, it was a whole load of fun!

and getting to know more peeps with different genre taught me a valuable lesson: music is universal.

well frummer, u can hit those Lamb Of God drumming, why didn't you tell me! i was a die-hard lamb of god fan ok! ;P

but it's weird playing metal on a single coil guitar. sound too "dry" for my taste. hehehe.

seriously, all the guys are great! if u're organising one more, hook me up alright?

@hydrofly: don't worry, your guitar skills are superb for being the youngest. i'm already so old, and i'm nowhere near ur standard! damn, maybe i should start picking up my guitar playing back from scratch. but to play metal with a standard tuning, i doubt it will sound good. unless we're playing metallica, iron maiden, helloween, just to name a few, we can't go anywhere near metalcore/hardcore stuffs, those need a lower tuning and at least a drop tuning too. then they will ROAR!

To all: You guys were just great. For an impromptu jamming, I would say, YOU ALL ROCKS!
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Frummer: No worries la bro, the jazz thingy we did was just awesome.....

Faizal: haha yeah damn. I guess we were well too nice, and well kudos for the awesome organising of the jam! :p

Hydrofly: eh i cant shred la. shred paper and sweep floor in the office maybe can. your shredding skills were impressive though.

Mclethal: next time we'll get more metalheads down!
Looks like lots of fun you guys had!

Just damn damn damn sad that I've to give it a miss la, if not for jamming with my own band I'd definitely make it down by hook or by crook.

By the way, shall the next soft jam be organised in 1 month or 2 so as to prevent it from happening 3 years from now ? :mrgreen:

Can't wait for the next one.
Come to think of it, every other guitarist was using a fender/squier... Thanks for the nice words guys, ized can't shred? My arse, you were doing that crazy michael angelo batio thing. Eh speaking of shredding, there's one type of shredding I'll be damn good at, youtube SSI industrial shredder, shredding paper's for babies, SHRED A CAR!!! My guitar playing still needs work lah.
mclethal: Yea haha, was a great jam.Remember when we did Smoke On The Water? Hahaha..I thought my Tele sounded awesome.

spinninsticks: Every 2 mths soft jam is ideal cos need to plan in advance and all. But I think everyone should not just depend on me for being the main SOFT jam organiser after this one. I'd like to see other people step forward and organise as well :)
haha mclethal...thats like the only LOG song I can scrape through la...oops?

I really must say...was it Mark...the bassist? Holy crap its the first time I felt the drum and bass chemistry! One word...awesome..mark come out wherever you are! I was smiling alot during the jam...thats how much I enjoyed it!
Mark was one of those commendable bassist... oh I forgot to mention, he's THE ONLY "pure" bassist. He's the god man! And his bassline, damn... very groovy and addictive. I'm sure frummer has got that tune out of his head by now... LOL!

@Faizal: Though I would wish someone else could organise one, but think about it... We'll only need one leader, and my vote goes to you, being the idealistic leader :)

@Frummer: Laid To Rest is hard enough for even an amateur drummer. The 12/8 beat ain't easy, and damn that Chris Adler!!! How about 11th Hour by Lamb Of God :P

@Hydrofly: I was a bit jealous of your guitars!!! Can I touch it next time? Please... ;) Oh, and your jailbroken iPhone... That's the closest I could get my eyes to see in real life.

@Ized: I'm jealous of your gadgetry!!! You're the coolest guitarist I've ever come across in my whole damn life. Oh and that "skating" wheels, need some adjustments I guess... hehehe... You need to teach me that "sound" I asked you... I'm really a noob when it comes to single pedal effects...

@Khai: Heavy Punk drummer! Hehehe... You were cool man on the drums... Metal is just slightly lesser hats, and more pedals/crash. Maybe you could learn a bit or two about playing something heavy.

@Heyr (emokiddo): Let's get our project rolling! I can't wait to strip my worn down "cheapo" guitar. Just hook me up alright? To the rest, if you're interested can always look for me or emokiddo for our project.

@The rest of them whom I didn't get much chance to interact with: I like the "gore" attempt. That was hilarious! For a normal vocalist to goof around at that and still sounded good, I must say, 2 thumbs up!

Hey brother in arms! 0.0

first off, IM DARN SORRY I CAME LATE, was to shagged due to deployment the day before.

Well even tho im the heavy music kind of guy, i shuda come earlier, where blues and bossa nova were being played. );

nonetheless it was a great event! faizal : u shud organise this more often
(perhaps with genre themes each time ; like metal / blues / rock/ jazz /etc)

mclethal : yeah bro! pm ur contac no, we will do 'project : guitar annihilation!'

hydrofly : i admire ur guitar skills! nice time i bring pointy guitar as well ! (in fact mockingbird qualify or not ar?).

frummer : u drummer! 0.o sms me when ure free, perhaps i go down to ur place to do acoustics wid ya!

to the rest : i wud luv to see u guys again!(ok that sound so gayish. -_-)
Looks like a fun time. BTW, only one vid?

I'm quite interested in hearing how sweet that pointy guitar sounds!
And also when hydrofly gets out of his sleepy state and burns his frets!
Hydrofly: dude, you can play technical difficulties man. Plus your fingers are so fast that well, mclethal says it goes faster than his feet! Sadly I cant. Plus i loved the variation of the iron maiden hallowed by thy name riff you came up was damn fun...if possible lets do that again for the next jam and record all that shredfest down!

Mclethal: haha bro, thanks for that, im flattered.... I'll certainly be glad to help you should you want to explore the experimental realm of effects processing and wierd sounds......
Whaa Faizal was really in the NDP mood eh? If you guys do have another SOFT jam I'll bring my laptop and mbox to do a rough Jam Recording.

Good fun. Though I would have liked to play some funky stuff since the Frummer and that Bassist were really trying to kick out some licks inbetween songs to get something going.

Oh. Erm I dunno how my song went. Lol. It was supposed to be a song called 'Tribute' by Tenacious D. For those who don't know Tenacious D, the main 2 members are Jack Black and KG. I guess I tried my hardest to make eye contact to tell everyone what chords was next. Oh well.

For those who don't know who I am, watch that video earlier and I'll be the idiot playing percussion next to the drummer. LOL.

Faizal dude did you get the 3 bucks?
=mclethal - cannn, which guitar? I'm not gonna bring 2 down next time cus by that time I'd be very comfortable with the Jackson already

=emokiddo - Yea, I originally was trying to decide between a mockingbird and an Iceman somewhere middle of last year. Mockingbirds are cool!

=Ized - Wait a sec, I didn't come up with that, my rhythm guitarist did!
@Hydrofly: LOL! Any guitar would be cool! I'm still looking for a warlock guitar! (The coolest looking pointy guitar IMO)

@Ized: I'll look forward for that day man...
U know, I`m still grinning to myself after the jam yday. It was pure fun and like my drummer, Khai, mentioned to me, was like an exchange programme :)

Was 2 hours too short? Maybe 3 hours would have been better. Well so far so good, the jam went well. There was one time that I suddenly played a riff (courtesy of my modded Danelectro Fab Echo) that was from the SOFT Jam back in 2005 and somehow the atmosphere was different with all the beats and groove suddenly appearing. It was magic. Frummer would have found that riff familar from 3 years back. Yday tat was the part that I REGRETTED not having it recorded. I`m sure everyone who was present at the jam will agree with me.

Nvm, Frummer, we'll record this jam sometime soon, alright? :)

Another SOFT jam, anyone?? :P There will surely be more coming this year...haha.
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