SOFT 4th Monthly Meeting (8th Oct)

bring ak47 for what?....
the wood finish abit fading need shredcow to teach you how to repair issit?.

btw i should be going... any specific details on how to get there?
soft said:
Also, we actually wanted to get Eric Johnson to come and say a few words about his coming concert but we are keeping our fingers crossed. If he can't make it, we will have to give away some concert tickets courtesy of LAMC !

8O If EJ comes, there's NOOOOOOOOO WAYYYYYY I'm going onstage to talk about choosing the right notes!!!!!!! Hahahaha...
i would really like to go but i cannot la..exam on mon n mum not wanting me to go out :cry: ..haha..mayb next meeting i will try my very very best to come ok? have fun guys! :)
i don't feel that well today.

i havent been here for so long! haha. walau, pooo will be there with shredcow. damn. i have to miss it. =( haha

*slits throat*
im ending olvls on 16th nov instead of 18th cuz i dropped chem. =(

well those going for the meeting today! enjoy! =)
so....... any1 back from the gathering yet?....... i did not go cos the rest of my bandmates dun 1 2 go....... :cry:

haha. frankie !

i also .. gr bday today ah . he went auntie's place

i alone .go also pai say .ha
just got home...i came there very late...
guess i missed the most fun part,anyways it was nice to talk to James&leslie(spelling?)and got two eric johnson posters,haha.