SOFT 4th Monthly Meeting (8th Oct)

eh how about those interested in the soft outing next time... PM me your email.. then i just set up a mailing list to remind everyone 2weeks, and 1 week beforehand? :)

James, it's confirmed 1st Sat of every month right?
Hi James,

Will bring down some stuff for you! : )

Guitar77 always support u!

Just in case I cant make it you got any KA KAI to pick from our shop??
haha see ya!
kerr meant ka kia?? :lol:

always want to come down but saturday always got something on.... family day also!!!! EEKKKS *cries*

hope softies have a good one!!

Hi there James.....

U still wana me be the photographer?....

The last time I took and email to u........wat happen...?
I will most probably be coming down... Don't worry, I will leave the dark sarcasm at home! :wink:

Hope to meet all of you guys! I wonder what really goes on in there, is it like a micro-version of NAMM? Haha... Why the ppl in the pic look so...
I will be contributing by bringing in cool stuff, interesting stories and participating in gear/market/biz talk... And a little bit more of myself... haha

PRS? :twisted:
Having missed the first THREE, I'll be there! Will bring my cam but will be more of a happy snapper.
Okay, this is what is happening this Saturday (8 Oct).

ShredCow will be talking on Choosing the Right Notes and Making that Special Solo. and that would be around 1 hour. Consisting of something like this:

1. Intro
2. Choosing Notes
3. Demo Song
4. Adding that Special-ness
5. Q&A

Pooo will be accompanying him for the whole session.

Both ShredCow and Pooo use the TRI AC so you guys can check out how it sounds when hooked up to the PA.

After the music session, ShredCow will demostrate Re-stringing A Floyd Rose and give some tips on guitar setup. He will be using his own guitar to do the re-stringing...

Oh yeah.. for the Restring session, SOFTies can bring their guitars down for tips and ShredCow can help them with whatever trem issues they have.

Also, we actually wanted to get Eric Johnson to come and say a few words about his coming concert but we are keeping our fingers crossed. If he can't make it, we will have to give away some concert tickets courtesy of LAMC !

Lastly, a special big big thanks to Kerr of Guitar77 for sponsoring prizes! But you must come down also. Must make you drunk and then get you to give us super discount for your guitars!! ha..ha..haa...
me no guitarist lah.

help me to get as many SOFTies to this gathering as possible ok.
soft said:
Also, we actually wanted to get Eric Johnson to come and say a few words about his coming concert but we are keeping our fingers crossed. If he can't make it, we will have to give away some concert tickets courtesy of LAMC !


but actually, no EJ also can, shredcow is good enough.heheh.
To James: I would love to come and join in the fun if it's alright with you. Any drummers coming down to hang?
everyone is welcome to the gathering!!! the purpose of the gathering is to meet fellow SOFTies and learn from one another.