Sluggish behavior of SOFT website


Anybody experiencing sluggish behavior of SOFT website? The loading is fine. But scrolling is extremely sluggish. Not smooth. Not experiencing in other websites even though they have lots of Flash content.

Wondering if it's just me or if anybody else having the same problems. James is not experiencing it. He's still monitoring it.

By the way, it's not my PC. It's a Quad core with lots of RAM (4GB at 32bit and 8GB at 64bit). And it's only SOFT.
nope, speed seems normal for me. every now and then i receive a database error from soft and the page refuses to load, though.

Quad core, 3GB RAM, chrome.
No boot camp. That's wierd. Looks like only me experiencing it. Will try to find out. Are you guys all using IE8?
OK. It seems that the problem only occurs when I have a few tabs opened. When SOFT is the only website opened, it's fast. When I have 3 tabs opened, it's jerky when scrolling. However, the websites in the other tabs are all fast. It's only SOFT.

I'm using IE8. Others using it as well?

Found out another thing. In task manager, when I'm scrolling SOFT website, CPU usage goes from 2% to 28%! At other websites, depending on how much Flash content, it peaks to about 10-20% when scrolling. RAM usage is low.

What's going on here?
Hey, I've experienced it too couple of days back, right now not so much but I'm not sure if its my comp or what sometimes my whole Firefox just hangs (not only on soft) but the scrolling is really very sluggish as you've mentioned.

Using a dual core 2.4ghz 4gb memory laptop. All seems fine right now :)
I'm experiencing the same thing too. In fact, for both loading and scrolling.
And yeah, only for Soft. Its seems ever since I installed IE8 this starts to happen.Dunno if that's the cause. I can open tabs next to Soft and other sites would run normally :???:
Confirmed it's IE8. Just downloaded Safari 4. With 3 tabs opened, scrolling of SOFT is smooth. On task manager, CPU load is about 10% at baseline and peaked to 20-24% during scrolling of SOFT website.

It appears Safari has some background resources running but doesn't peak as bad.

Sadly, this is only the SOFT website experiencing this on IE8. Is it because of java scripts?

With Safari, the appearance of SOFT changed. There are too many lines in the forum post to my liking. Anyway, can't have best of everything. Will stick to Safari for a while to see.
Thanks guys for the reports. Looks like mystery is solved. IE is the culprit. For whatever reasons that may be...

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