Hello, I will do your website for free.


New member
Okay, before you brush this away as advertising spam, here's the story.

I have been into design & development since 2002. Unfortunately, for the past half decade, I've been working in a job that has nothing to do with the creative industry. I have done a handful of freelance work but that was ages ago, and I am now looking to build a new updated portfolio with modern works. Rather than cluelessly asking around friends and associates for projects, I have decided to use this approach to network and find potential future clients.

I am providing web design & development services for FREE, in most cases. I am looking to making simple websites that just works. For projects that are more complicated and takes more than a week or two of development, I will be charging a very low rate.

What I provide

- Responsive / adaptive websites optimized for mobile
- Utilize latest HTML5 / CSS3 technologies such as 3D animation
- Implement social APIs like Facebook services
- Make pseudo-flash websites using purely JavaScript
- Work with audio and video assets
- Write codes with SEO optimization in mind
- Dynamic content with PHP (Ajax)
- Graphic design (for simple edits and user interface only)
- Forms with validation
- Gallery / slideshow systems

What I do not provide

- Backwards compatability with outdated browsers
- Copywriting and technical writing, you must provide your own content
- Photography and images, you must provide your own assets if there are any
- Icons and typography
- Login infrastructure and user database
- Shopping carts and payment systems
- Adaptation into CMS frameworks (Wordpress, etc.)
- Identity branding
- Message boards or comment systems
- Consultation for site structure

Note: I can do all these but it will not be for free and it will take more development time. There are also features I might miss out so evaluation will be given upon proposal. I am also lenient, if your content is just simple information, I will just write it for free.

Here are some classes of websites that can be developed in a week time (minus documentation stage).

- Static information websites like event promotions, etc.
- Portfolio websites for photographers, artists, etc.
- Small company websites with about, services, contact...
- Catalogue websites for restaurants, retail shops (not blogshops)
- Fun experimental mini-sites
- Personal blogs (without database)
- School coursework projects if you're cheating

For integrity reasons, I will not publish my portfolio here, however, I can show you my works in private if there are any costs involved.
For visuals reference, here are some examples of websites that are within my capabilities and design style (note, they are popular websites, NOT done by me).


This is just a promotion, once I have completed about 10 to 20 projects, I will return to normal rates.
So if you are interested, or knows anybody who is, do send me an email at mydesignforfree@outlook.com with your project proposal.
If not, do share it around to anyone who might be interested.

I will gauge every proposal, it is best if you can provide me materials in your initial e-mail. The more resources I have to work with, the quicker it can be done, so the more likely I will do it for you for free. If the project is also interesting and good for my portfolio, I will do it for free regardless of the intensity.

Do post below if there is any questions. Thank you, good day!
It appears that you are offering with goodwill, a free service to SOFT community. There might be some who are interested. However, strings are attached. The veiled advertisement comes through plain for all to see. I am not certain what are rules of this forum with regards to advertisers.
Hello, thanks for the input. There are no strings attached, it is a free service with listed requirements and one cannot expect me to do a major website for free. Thou I can still do it, it is not part of my free offer.

I am looking to do a set amount of unpaid work for the benefit for my portfolio, not commit myself to extensive labor without substantial returns. There will only be costs, that you can choose to not agree to, if your website takes too much development.

It's simply a case of drawing a free sketch for you, but I don't have the time to afford to paint a full colored masterpiece without pay.

PS. This is an advertisement section. And I am heading it with a free service.
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Hi there, as the liaison officer for the Pipe Band Association Singapore, I see this as a great opportunity for the both of us. We have a website that I believe could use a little (maybe a lot) revamping. We're not a profit-making organisation, but a government registered organisation nonetheless. Email me and we'll see how we could help each other. Hashnul, ri0mhach@hotmail.com. Thank you.
Hi Shemily,

Seen your sample links and I like it.

Do contact me please, lets discuss what can be done ya?


Okay, before you brush this away as advertising spam, here's the story.

I have been into design & development since 2002. Unfortunately, for the past half decade, I've been working in a job that has nothing to do with the creative industry. I have done a handful of freelance work but that was ages ago, and I am now looking to build a new updated portfolio with modern works. Rather than cluelessly asking around friends and associates for projects, I have decided to use this approach to network and find potential future clients.

I am providing web design & development services for FREE, in most cases. I am looking to making simple websites that just works. For projects that are more complicated and takes more than a week or two of development, I will be charging a very low rate.

What I provide

- Responsive / adaptive websites optimized for mobile
- Utilize latest HTML5 / CSS3 technologies such as 3D animation
- Implement social APIs like Facebook services
- Make pseudo-flash websites using purely JavaScript
- Work with audio and video assets
- Write codes with SEO optimization in mind
- Dynamic content with PHP (Ajax)
- Graphic design (for simple edits and user interface only)
- Forms with validation
- Gallery / slideshow systems

What I do not provide

- Backwards compatability with outdated browsers
- Copywriting and technical writing, you must provide your own content
- Photography and images, you must provide your own assets if there are any
- Icons and typography
- Login infrastructure and user database
- Shopping carts and payment systems
- Adaptation into CMS frameworks (Wordpress, etc.)
- Identity branding
- Message boards or comment systems
- Consultation for site structure

Note: I can do all these but it will not be for free and it will take more development time. There are also features I might miss out so evaluation will be given upon proposal. I am also lenient, if your content is just simple information, I will just write it for free.

Here are some classes of websites that can be developed in a week time (minus documentation stage).

- Static information websites like event promotions, etc.
- Portfolio websites for photographers, artists, etc.
- Small company websites with about, services, contact...
- Catalogue websites for restaurants, retail shops (not blogshops)
- Fun experimental mini-sites
- Personal blogs (without database)
- School coursework projects if you're cheating

For integrity reasons, I will not publish my portfolio here, however, I can show you my works in private if there are any costs involved.
For visuals reference, here are some examples of websites that are within my capabilities and design style (note, they are popular websites, NOT done by me).


This is just a promotion, once I have completed about 10 to 20 projects, I will return to normal rates.
So if you are interested, or knows anybody who is, do send me an email at mydesignforfree@outlook.com with your project proposal.
If not, do share it around to anyone who might be interested.

I will gauge every proposal, it is best if you can provide me materials in your initial e-mail. The more resources I have to work with, the quicker it can be done, so the more likely I will do it for you for free. If the project is also interesting and good for my portfolio, I will do it for free regardless of the intensity.

Do post below if there is any questions. Thank you, good day!

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