Singapore's Mentality in Sports - Ridiculous?

My take:

- I too do not support the importing of foreign athletes for national glory
- I agree with theripper's point about French players/athletes of African/Carribean origins because of the colonial connections
- I concur that Goal 2010 is quite ridiculous

but I think this whole issue is definitely not just limited Singapore. Just think of all those Chinese players/athletes in Netherlands, USA, Sweden, Germany, etc. These are large countries with substantial talent pools (unlike Singapore). So, we are just no better than most everyone else.

The thing is, we are just going about this business in a wrong-headed way. Instead of spreading our resources around many athletes, just pool everything together and offer a Michael Phelps an obscene amount of money - we get 8 golds no sweat. :twisted:
I think sports is not just sports. It is an industry that could help improve the economy.

The imported talents will help accelerate the acceptance of local professional sports activities. These include sponsorships, events, competitions, schools, facilities, fans ...

I saw an interview by Ivan Heng (musical director) referring to foreign art groups as UFOs. That they will come to Singapore and suck up all the fundings.

I like to see it in a more positive way, that the locals should strive even harder to excel. Competition is the best way to improve the standard.

My grand father is from China. My dad and I are both 'born-in-singapore'. Hopefully, 2 generations into the future, Singapore will have a real Singapore team. Until then, let's be sporting.
Haha looks like James plays the devil's advocate in this thread.

I agree that sports does improve the economy. Look at Europe, the football industry is insane, with PORNOGRAPHIC amounts of money being thrown about like nothing. Also in the US, sports play a huge part in their economy.

However, Singapore is a tiny nation. To be able to use sports as a major economic booster, a big nation with a large population would be a lot more appropriate. Not just because of the talent pool but also the "fan pool" if theres such a term.

The aspect of the country's integrity in sports is still pretty big and IMO, bigger than the economic or any other possible aspect, since sports currently, and i personally believe in the future, can never be a major industry in singapore like let's say tourism. And showing other countries that all we can do is import other country's sub-standard players and use them here? Its humiliating. And discouraging. Ever since the introduction of the foreign talent scheme, majority of the general singaporean public have been made to think even worse of sending their children to become sportspersons.

Thats why I am very against the foreign talent scheme. So what if we cant produce world champions? Like I said in my first post, I would be more proud ANY DAY of homegrown singaporean trying his hardest in a competition than of an import (I dont mean PRs who turn singaporean after some time and all, I mean people who are persuaded to come to Singapore SOLELY because of the foreign talent scheme) winning a competition.

Singapore IS a tiny nation, that is why sports is especially selected as a booster to the economy. Example: F1 and Youth Olympic.

We got to see pass the present and understand what is the goal we are trying to get to. We need good sportsmen to help raise the standard of the local sporting scene.

Imagine Eric Clapton decided to join your band. After 2 years of playing along side with him, do you think your band will become better? I hope/think so.
i put it to everyone in simple terms:

is there more satisfaction in buying an olympic medal, or earning/winning one?

but I think this whole issue is definitely not just limited Singapore. Just think of all those Chinese players/athletes in Netherlands, USA, Sweden, Germany, etc. These are large countries with substantial talent pools (unlike Singapore). So, we are just no better than most everyone else.

it doesn't help that we don't win as much as those countries though.

and speaking of past and present, here's a heartening statistic

Singapore's FIFA ranking
1993 - 73
August 2008 - 126

and enough with the 'small country' jazz... new zealand has a population of 4.26 million. singapore's population is 4.59

Yeah u do have a point there. But that is one of the good points of the policy, whereas what I have said are mostly the bad. Depends on each person which outweighs the other. Like for you the good outweighs the bad (i think?:???:) while for me I feel that the bad outweighs the good by alot:cool:

IMO, the f1 and the olympics are great events to have which have mainly economic benefit for Singapore. However these are major sporting events, which will usually always do more harm than good for the host country. Of Singapores sports "scene" (for the lack of a better word I am sick:mrgreen:), it is completely seperate from such big events. The fact remains that the foreign scheme reduces Singaporean pride.

HOWEVER!! All of my ranting can be shut up immediately if Singapore is to enter a team of true and fair singaporeans for the Youth Olympics. If s'pore does that, it would send a clear message that Singaporeans once again should participate for their nation

Table Tennis-Singapore set for rare medal

1 hour, 50 minutes ago

By Simon Rabinovitch

BEIJING, Aug 15 (Reuters) - Singapore was guaranteed their first Olympic medal since 1960—and only their second of all time—by beating South Korea on Friday to advance to the women’s team championship in table tennis....

....Somewhat dulling the achievement for the country of 4.6 million, the players and coach that carried Singapore to victory were all imports from table tennis powerhouse China....

....Somewhat dulling the achievement for the country of 4.6 million, the players and coach that carried Singapore to victory were all imports from table tennis powerhouse China....


Hitting the nail on the head ;)
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i'm proud of our singaporeans. these table tennis players have been training here for years, i don't even regard them as imports anymore, because they've stepped up their game most by training here. i don't see them as imports from the powerhouse called china, i regard them as imports from china, who became powerhouses in singapore.
"....Somewhat dulling the achievement for the country of 4.6 million, the players and coach that carried Singapore to victory were all imports from table tennis powerhouse China...."

Even though some patriotic S'poreans may not like this comment.....but facts are facts. Haha!
i have a real honest question here if anyone from SSC trolls this forum. who are the "real" local born singaporeans that are participating in the olympics? besides soccer, i don't really keep up to date with the local sports scene. I turn on the TV and i don't seem to many singaporeans competing? Swimmer is from china, table tennis player also from china and badminton player is indonesian. even the soccer team resembles arsenal somewhat, half the team is foreign import.

does ssc realise we can actually tell by their looks that they are not local. sigh sorry, just another of my rant. anyway jia you team singapore! (or should i say team PR singapore)
Congrats on the achievement BUT...

somehow I don't feel its 'proper' for us to 'pay/train/use our tax dollars on' someone who is not a born & bred citizen of Singapore to do things we can't/uncapable/do not want to do ourselves as born & bred citizens in an international competition.

Most may not agree on this and I agree to disagree.
Just my honest opinion.

+100,000,000 to shinobi.
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Hmmm, I don't really feel very proud when the Singapore table tennis team won.

I find that actually Singaporeans are at fault too. They don't want to play. What can we do?
Yeah.............. as i said, every single one of us who is complaining down here has to take some form of blame. Most would say: 'oh i'm already contributing to the economy by working in a cushy office so why would i risk injuries and ridicule just to play sports for Singapore, even if i have the talent?' Its always money first. C'mon ppl, Croatia have a similar population figure as us but they have the NUMBER 1 men's water polo team in the world and figures like Luka Modric coming outta there. Why can't we do the same? Its bcos most of us are too lazy to go out and actually do something. The Government finds it extraordinarily hard to persuade ppl to go into sports as a career and so they have to bring in the foreigners to please ppl like us? or we'd all be complaining abt the lack of medals. It starts and ends with us. What are we gonna do abt it?
haha there isn't much we can do i think. We are a small forum, in which only some agree on this, and i bet many other groups of people have also realised this sad fact of Singaporeans not wanted to pursue sports as a career.

The only opening for a change of mindset that I see coming is the Youth Olympics. That is a definite opening as I am quite sure Singapore will be sending in homegrown talents, instead of imports. Hopefully we can build from there
So the question is... Why buy a China girl to play against China to complete in a China dominated sport?
It would be a bad as buying a black sprinter to race in the 100m isnt it?

A local sport I think we should invest in should be soccer.
Can buy a few foreign ones and mix the local heros in, win
or lose, we watch already also more "song"
oh man I can't believe they said that. what bitches.

Bitches? Isn't it the damn truth?

This whole debate about foreign based talent... is a question of opinions. Everyone has his or her own ideas of what is right and wrong. Some of us feel that it is just not right to have foreign born talents to fly our flag, while others see it that, since it is our flag, we don't care who flies it. So there isn't exactly a right or wrong answer to this. It is a matter of opinion.

Here is my opinion: the ladies have put in their best to go so far into the competition. In the perspective of sports, they have done well. They SHOULD be proud of their achievement. As I am proud of them... as individuals in sports. And legally and technically, speaking, they ARE Singaporeans. The system has made it so, their IC has validated that.

However, as a Singaporean, I do not see the true representation of Singapore at all in the match, apart from the flag they wore on the chest. I'm sure the reasons as to why.. you should be able to guess.

But I would like to address something that has been cited by others as to why we should be proud: our forefathers are from China, India, Indonesia, and wherever else, so it's okay and all that etc etc.

Have you all forgotten that at the time when our early forefathers came, it was close to 200 years ago?

Some of them managed to go back home, but most have to stay put simply because they could not afford to. Back then the work was hard, the pay meager and technology has not yet allowed them to be able to bridge the gap between here and their home. They sure as hell don't get hundred thousands of SGD to play sports.

So we, born Singaporeans, are a result of 200 years worth of history. We come from a generation that saw the World Wars, the Depression, the independence and the growth of Singapore to this very day. We come from a generation of Singapore's very history.

All due respect to the foreign-born talents of Singapore, but the way our citizenship is so freely thrown about like the way it is now shows how much respect we have about the Singapore that our forefathers really built. A million dollars for a gold medal and denouncement of your true nationality. Is our history and our pride THAT cheap?

Yes, we need foreign based talents to keep the economy going so that every child in this country can own a PSP, but now we are dependent too much foreign based talent for nearly everything. And with travel and technology becoming so affordable and cheap, do the foreign based talent really feel like they are away from home, just like our forefathers were? I tell you, in the very instant that this country no longer become attractive, it's so easy to say "Bye, Singapore. Hello, birth place"

I am not blaming the foreign-born talents of Singapore for coming to our shores for careers. We have a strong economy, plenty of opportunities and a stable and safe environment. If I am a foreigner, I would come here too.

But in times when it is so easy to just leave, how could we just assume than we can harvest a 200 year old pride, in just a few short years and a pink card?

If you want to embrace the help that foreign based talents have given to us, then the average Indian/Thai foreign worker constructing and upgrading our HDB would be celebrated as much as our national foreign-born sportsmen. They are as involved in building this nation, if not more. Instead, they are seen and treated worse than 3rd class, and they get paid scraps. Maybe it's just me, but I am seeing double standards here.

And I wonder what will happen to the foreign-based Singapore talents in sports when at the age past 30, they retire from their sporting career. Will they end up being forgotten or still celebrated for the efforts by their adopted country?