Singapore Idols 2006 Season 2

haha today, daniel ong was being a prick!!!! he was forcing nurul's sister to answer on whether she thinks the sister being out should be a fair thing and whether singaporeans made a right choice.....haha and when the sister said, "At least we still have the guys inside", i thought she supposed to say at least we still have a girl inside (jasmine) hahahahaha...then the camera show jasmine face haha priceless man! Then nurul said, Singaporeans please vote carefully! what was that for man??!!! by her saying that, i think she's pissed with singaporeans vote.

P.S. today the camera man cock up again, when gurmit was introducing the judges the camera man screwed himself by swaying the camera right left, machiam dunno who is florence lian hhahaaaha last time when introducing the idols also like that. EVERYTIME MAN BOTH THE CREW ON SG IDOL AND GURMIT HIMSELF ALWAYS BLUNDER...
Lol ... This is what Joakim should do for his next performance(if he really wants to get eliminated)

Go up, sing a song anyhow, like really don't give a shit, then halfway jump into the crowd and mosh, come back out and show ken lim the finger, then say he hates all his stupid shithead fans who are so stupid to support him when he only want to live off their money. He could end by flashing his big manly korean/indian dick to the crowd.
oookay. detroit that was just plain pointless. and poor Joakim can't drop out cos it's just plain bad form. he's stuck. he shouldn't stay cos he knows he doesn't deserve to be there but he can't just drop out cos he will disappoint his fans.
Yeah, they paid so much worth of SMSes for him to be in the competition, so he should not leave just like that.

After that he could ... nevermind ...
strats said:
langsuir said:
DarknessFury said:
The name Nancy Drew is so familiar...who the hell is she?

Isn't she ur mum? Muahahaha


Erm, my mom's human and not some dumbass brother of yours...
I'm going to next Thurs show.
overall, my school's supporting Jonathan.
his posters are in the canteen, outside HOD room...


lol to Gurmit Singh's attempt.
anybody know wad's the song they always play when the contestants go home? tink the chorus goes smt like "i'll be alright, i'll be coming home tonight"
All of them suck. Hardy is the best singer left but I can't stand it when he mumble shis lyrics and worse still i can't stand his voice - it's got a piercing feel to it when he goes for the hig notes - reminds me of the nail scratching the blackboard feeling.

Jonathan had a lot of potential but with each episode he seems to be showing his worse.

Joakim is not a good singer at all and I pity him for getting this far.

Jasmine is a nice eye candy. All she needs to win is to dress up like Madonna and shed a few pounds off from her hips. She's got a CFM look and at times she can sing.

The worse is that freak Paul. He is an exact replica of the freak from Phantom of the Paradise movie. I can't stand him because he is a fake. Tries to act like some hardcore dude but brings along his mommy and daddy for each show. What a load of crap! Totally fake. and I can't stand his pitiful face when the judges give him their feedback.

If I had the chance I'd like to slam his face into the wall, a few times, in full view of his parents. What a creep!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Paul's not acting like some hardcore dude, only loser metal freaks like yourself love ganging up on him. OMG LOOK AT PAUL HE IS RUINING THE NAME OF METAL LOLOLOL
Nefianz said:
anybody know wad's the song they always play when the contestants go home? tink the chorus goes smt like "i'll be alright, i'll be coming home tonight"
It's Home by Micheal Buble.
hifi_killer said:
oh ya. now thatyouu mention it, its quite disturbingly funny
his chest hair too? :)

paul's parents are supporting him just like other contestants. big deal.

i don't like Jasmine... and sh'e going out next week!
unless Joakim voters vote less.

PLEASE KEEP JON TILL TOP 2. I want tickets.

Just visited the SI website.. and clicked on to Joakim's blog. Well I must say that dude has been under loads of taunts and jeering from people who believe he does not belong there.

I personally do not feel he belongs in the competition due to obvious reasons.

However I think softies should stop lambasting the idol hopefuls and start being more positive towards those who they wish would win the competition. After all, if we are fans maybe we should vote, and if we are passers-by we could keep the nasty comments to ourselves (I take back all the crap I threw around the thread previously) and just watch and wait.

After all, we're not blind/deaf. Maybe we could persuade people to vote for the more deserving contestants?
RoRK said:
The worse is that freak Paul. He is an exact replica of the freak from Phantom of the Paradise movie. I can't stand him because he is a fake. Tries to act like some hardcore dude but brings along his mommy and daddy for each show. What a load of crap! Totally fake. and I can't stand his pitiful face when the judges give him their feedback.

If I had the chance I'd like to slam his face into the wall, a few times, in full view of his parents. What a creep!!!!!!!!!!!!
i think it's pretty sweet that his parents came to each show.they show the support to him.
and i dont feel him fake at all.and he never tries to act like hardcore.
he's just 17 yr old teen kid.