Singapore Idol Finalist? YOUR THOUGHTS!!!!

Results is as expected, if two seasons of Singapore Idol didn't teach you anything about it's trend so far. I feel bad for the disappointed Sylvia fans, and those who REALLY wanted a female idol. Seems that these people didn't vote enough to make that a reality.

Agreed, sigh. One such Sylvia fan here. I'mma guy, btw. LOL. Disappointment.
chick shlda won hands down, even the faces of the judges seemed to suggest so...........not that the winner sucks, just that she was so much better...........oh god i'm actually commenting abt SG IDOL!!!! i actually watched it!!! WTF is happening...........
On a serious note, CHARICE made asians proud! Can't get enough of her man. :)

Yesterday night after the results, Sezairi and Singapore Idol are on trending topic on twitter. BUT, when I clicked on Singapore Idol, I saw alot of bad remarks on Sezairi being a malay . And some said, SI = Suria Idol. Come On man....... Where is the diplomacy thought in School?
wth totally undeserving.

I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but somehow I just think your remark was rude. What you made out of him was only on television, as for us, we saw where he started to where he is now and I can honestly tell you the road wasn't a pleasant one. Just so you know, Juxtapose started from a pay to play gig.
On a serious note, CHARICE made asians proud! Can't get enough of her man. :)

Yesterday night after the results, Sezairi and Singapore Idol are on trending topic on twitter. BUT, when I clicked on Singapore Idol, I saw alot of bad remarks on Sezairi being a malay . And some said, SI = Suria Idol. Come On man....... Where is the diplomacy thought in School?

Charice is one of the Philippines Pride.. it only show one thing.... Filipinos are great musicians.... hehehehe .....
actually ah... i dun reli like to bother abt all tis... but ah...

i just dun get it when ppl say

- SI racist
- malay must not join coz got anugerah liao
etc etc etc
isnt it stupid? its based on votings (popularity) and nvr was abt race.
there are even some groups made up in fb. like 'ban malays from idols'
wtf... alot of sporeans should just die
wyldeboon; yup, it's quite disturbing to know that there will be people who thought like so. i can take it if people think the show is rigged, but not to the point where a certain race is considered.
In the end, the winners are the producers who make so much damn money from the calls and advertising. Not Sezairi, and definitely not the fans(who really never get anything actually).
no wat, the fanz get emselves an idol they wanted!!!

btw Taufik's new single is actually not bad stuff hehehehe......oh god...........
no wat, the fanz get emselves an idol they wanted!!!

btw Taufik's new single is actually not bad stuff hehehehe......oh god...........

I think Taufik was the best performer of the night leh. Charice was a bit OTT for me. I couldn't stop from giggling everytime she did a diva head shaking thingy.

share with us the groups that are anti-malay spore idol..

and to those who still sulk over the victory of an another malay,
go bang ur head on the wall or start a protest at honglim park or something..
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actually ah... i dun reli like to bother abt all tis... but ah...

i just dun get it when ppl say

- SI racist
- malay must not join coz got anugerah liao
etc etc etc
isnt it stupid? its based on votings (popularity) and nvr was abt race.
there are even some groups made up in fb. like 'ban malays from idols'
wtf... alot of sporeans should just die

malay won....... jealous rite... :cool:

may the best man win.. and the best man won..
if you are good, you are good...
furthermore, singapore is chinese populated.. and a malay (minority) won..
so too bad for haters..

this does proof that malay dudes have potential.. only the ignorant will deny..

years running.... clean sweep baby!!!:mrgreen:
taken from -

Benjamin Koh, 27, was jailed for one month.

Nicholas Lim, 25, was jailed for a day and fined $5k.

On 23 November 2005
Gan Huai Shi, 17, the third Racist Blogger was given 24 months of supervised probation. He will face the following during this period.
- psychological evaluation,
- counselling sessions,
- post a $10,000 bond, and
- 180 hours of community service in Malay welfare homes
wyldeboon; yup, it's quite disturbing to know that there will be people who thought like so. i cant take it if people think the show is rigged, but not to the point where a certain race is considered.

doesnt everyone think tat malays are:
lazy... drug addicts.. live in rehabs.. poor.. useless.. stupid..

so what can u say now stereotypers..

he won coz he deserve it... and happen to be a malay..
and malay have been winning..

so what can malay haters say now? "ban malay from idol???"...

what a joke to end 2009...

and who said that he have no talent? just becoz his a malay?

for godsake...
burntoast, now i remember.. u were the one who told me abt him
when i saw that 335 on him last night i smiled to myself, it was a good feeling
in my book, sezairi deserves the gibson more than anyone of us here combined... period!

2010 sg idol!

set ah!!!!!!!!!
but wait... my IC write Malay as race u noe... skali kena ban then how.

k jokes aside ah...

i is reli think tat all this bullshit race talk will end soon.
NOT only malay sing well, chinese sings well too... example - my vocalist Syltra Lee... Sara 53A etc...

and i reli do hope tat the malays (who bothers abt tis SI thinghy), dun add more fuel in the fire. saying things like, 'malay sings better', 3 years in a row la or wateva...

but i reli do hope the SI will stop coz it is a big big failure. UNLESS results are not by voting

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