Singapore Idol Finalist? YOUR THOUGHTS!!!!

flaws in singapore idol finals show

Other than Sylvia's first song - Mercy - the mixing levels of music to vocals were BAD. Their voices were completely drowned out!!
Both Sylvia and Sezairi performed reasonably well. But it was clear that there is a bias towards Sylvia - what with Mediacorp giving Sheik Haikel and Annabelle Francis a few seconds to root for her. Come on - Mediacorp - we've got to play fair.
Judges were clearly BRIEFED to say good and positive things, and not tear them down on side issues like dance movements, outfits, spectacle frames.
Who will win? Let's wait and see (17 more mins to closing of voting lines as I post this ...) ....
My vote goes to Sezairi.
In other news, the producers of Singapore Idol have decided to close down the show as they feel sick of giving Malay people their money.
Singapore Idol.......................................................................................................
Please be respectful in the forum. Anyone who post offending remarks WILL be banned.
holy shit... the guest singer, CHARICE, the performance really mind blowing. Making the two finalist like two newbies
Even if Charice take part in the competition, she may NOT have enough friends and supporters to win Singapore's Teenage Popularity Contest. That's the reality of Singapore Idol...a big joke. Period.

@ DeathCubeK

Dude that's a racist remark lol...

Sorry, it totally was not meant to be racist, because it's pretty stupid if I'm racist since I'm Malay. Unless you're saying I'm racist towards the producers who are most probably Chinese. It was just a joke, anyone who gets offended should stick to watching PG comedies.
Well, anyone saw Ken Lim's face after they acknowledged Seizairi as the winner? Oh man, his face was BLACK beyond belief. Haha

I hope Ken Lim signs the whole of Juxtapose. That would be really good for us in the music scene :p

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