it's not really a social problem but it's more of a moral problem. but some people find that the government doesn't have any business imposing moral values on the people. i guess even with the absence of porn, Singaporeans generally won't go out and start raping random people. the police force, laws, and punishment are much too strict and severe.
there's nothing much you can do about it but find other alternatives. banning porn sites is not like banning sites like Facebook, Youtube, etc...(they ban such sites as these in China). i doubt people will really protest to unban porn sites. it's quite lame and embarrassing.
unlike previous suggestions, educating youths will do nothing to help the situation. people grow out of porn after a certain age, although some don't. there's just no point in spending money to educate people on something that they know about but don't care much for. the government can keep doing what they do and ban porn sites but people will just find other sources and essentially nothing will happen. they're not wasting their time but it's just that they can't ban ALL sites and sources.
but maybe there are other reasons for doing so. notice how other illegal sites such as torrent trackers are not banned. have you ever wondered why?
also one way to break free from the desire to watch porn is to occupy your mind with something else. i've never thought of wanting to watch porn when i'm on the drumset, doing assignments, working, out with friends, reading,'s only when i'm alone at home and i've absolutely nothing to do. it's then i'll just pick up a book and go to starbucks to read or just play the drums. works most of the time.