Shredcow's Jam

Lower mids eh? Hmmmm.... I shall see how to go about that... shall tweak my "amp", the sansamp and see how it goes from there.

I'm not on msn, doing some work now. :D

I thought that was a very good take. I like the milky tone. Don't think you should push down the mids because note clarity might be compromised. Not many (rock) individuals play with a tone on the higher mids. I personally am not a fan of high mids but your tone sounds very listenable...and desirable!

I feel you could explore/experiment more on your playing style - which is still distinctly Vai-influenced. Try moving away from that/him and/or look into creating a Vai sub-branch or something - it could produce something really personally unique!

hey killinghall, thanks for listening. :)

The mids is a huge area of concern for me. My dirt pedals are very transparent and there's no mid hump to be found with them... I choose to have as flat a distortion tone and let the amp (in this case the Sansamp original, later on will be a real amp) shape it.

You are right about note clarity esp in relation to the mid range.

I've been getting very anal about mid range and this clarity, the intro chords I banged out, thats my idea of a rhythm tone, not the later uber fat and muddy rhythm tone.

Right now, I'm just trying to hone in on the right amount of midrange, its acutally easy if I had a good set of pre amp eq here since my main tone is very flat, but the Sansamp original is quite... difficult.

On the playing side, I am trying to add in as much me as possible. Thing is, Vai has carved out such a HUGE slice of the "unique/out-there/different playing" style that its immensely DIFFICULT to find a truely different voice. Gah. Then came Mattias Elkundh. Ron Thal. Guthrie Govan.

At the end of the day, I only hope that when I play on some song, people will go, "Yeap, thats Shredcow going twiddle dee doo whrilllllllll..."
Coz I sold it off? 8O I know I know...
I've come to a stage where mids are turning into a very dangerous control for me. At the end of the day, I found the demeter, while still an excellent natural sounding mid boost, its too much for the humbuckers i'm using. I can see how the demeter will totally rock for single coil players wanting a humbucker-like tone but for me, its getting too muddy. Also the demeter introduces compression/bloom, something I can't stand anymore.

I'm going without a lead boost for the time being.

Btw, I tried to boost lower mids and stuff, the tone isn't what I want man... too dark and again, muddy. I'll stick to the current tone, feels good to me.
Sorry, but I gotta ask, how does one talk about tone when there is no actual amp involved, the amp and the guitar are synonymous in terms of obtaining a good guitar tone or sound for various purposes...furthermore, perhaps you have mentioned it before, but there is no outline of your current home recording setup, so how are you actually making judgements about tone? Do you actually test this settings in a jam scenario for example??
Just curious.... 8)
hey joshua, i'm using a tech21 Sansamp Original (its a pre amp with analogue modelling functions) for my home recording. That Sansamp is my amp. I will be getting a proper tube amp later in the month but for now, the Sansamp will have to suffice. the Sansamp Classic pedal is similiar to my Original. Has controls for mids, bass, treble, precense.

My recording setup was in the efx in the first post, then straight into a laptop running Cakewalk SONAR 2.2XL. Sansamp is set to a clean tone I like.

I would test these settings in a jamming scenario when the oppurtunity comes, but as it is now, its all from the recording and what I'm hearing.

Lemme know what you think or what advice you have to offer.