Shocking performance by the Vines

i think he's just trying to be like kurt cobain. but for someone to do it that well you have to be high as shit. my only advice to him (?!) would be drop the guitar on the floor halfway thru song and use one foot to step on random frets. this pisses off your bandmates more and it looks nice.
u noe, it seemed ok when kurt cobain did these kinda of things. bt when this guy did it, i got kinda pissed. duno y ah. like some cobain wannabe. and did u see him throw his guitar? man. people work their ass of during the hols to get their dream gear. he juz smashes them up. haix... when things come too easily, u wont value them.
He actually suffers from a mental condition called Asperger Syndrome.

Asperger Syndrome is a neurobiological disorder which causes the sufferer to exhibit autistic-like behaviour and marked deficiencies in social and communication skills.

People with AS have difficulties with transitions or changes and prefer sameness. They often have obsessive routines and may be preoccupied with a particular subject of interest.

Asperger Syndrome has only been recognised by professionals for a few years and those diagnosed with the disorder are often overly sensitive to sounds, tastes, smells, and sights. The person with AS may prefer soft clothing, certain foods, and be bothered by sounds or lights no one else seems to hear or see.

These neurological differences may cause odd or unusual behaviour. Before diagnosis, those with the condition are sometimes thought of as eccentric, absent minded, socially inept or awkward physically.

you guys should definitely check out at the drive-in performances then. the singer and the guitarist's (cedric and omar respectively) stage antics are just plain out of this world....
I like the bit at the end when craig nicholls grabs the mic and goes



but yeah, craig nicholls has aspergers syndrome, the whole story's on their site.
Did you guys see the drummer's expression and reaction when he threw his guitar across the drums and stuffs? The drummer threw his drum sticks away and it was like "oh wtf! i dont give a anymore" Lol.
blackstar said:
you guys should definitely check out at the drive-in performances then. the singer and the guitarist's (cedric and omar respectively) stage antics are just plain out of this world....

I was just about to mention At the Drive-In, pity they are no longer together.
I will always remember that Japan gig.
u guys shud have seen the WHO footage where Keith Moon blows up his drum kit with C4, Townshend smashes a Rickenbecker into toothpicks and Daltrey causes general mayham - Live on Brit TV and this was in the 60s mind you. Keith Moon lost 2 teeth and got concussion and Townshend had part of his hair burned off as a result of the blast

the good old rockinin days ....sigh... :lol:
pepper- said:
Did you guys see the drummer's expression and reaction when he threw his guitar across the drums and stuffs? The drummer threw his drum sticks away and it was like "oh huh! i dont give a anymore" Lol.

I thought drummer throwing drumsticks after a song is a pretty common thing?
DarknessFury said:
pepper- said:
Did you guys see the drummer's expression and reaction when he threw his guitar across the drums and stuffs? The drummer threw his drum sticks away and it was like "oh huh! i dont give a anymore" Lol.

I thought drummer throwing drumsticks after a song is a pretty common thing?

Yup but I was kinda focusing more on his expression. He didn't look too happy. Didn't even wanna face the audience. :/
No one said, "I'm not sure" but if you were referring to the old man...he was saying, "I can't say it...I can't say it for sure"...haha...
The woooh part was definitely not enjoyable! It was as if his brain got screwed up or something...I liked the drum dismantling part...just before everything fell apart, the drummer looked like he wanted to hit a few more times but the guitarist ripped the whole drumset apart, lol...
at what point did he really show signs of fuckedupintheheadness? the bassist kept lookin at him from time to time from the start.

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