In The Spotlight - "The Psychology Of Peak Performance" by Kit Chan


Staff member

Celebrated international star Kit Chan will give her insights in an exclusive session on matters of concern for music perfomers. These include mental preparation, awareness, confidence and focus. She will also share her strategies and tips on how singers may take care of their voice. These principles of peak performance have been honed throughout Kit Chan’s professional career spanning 24 years and are based on her research during her undergraduate studies at La Salle College of the Arts. A rare opportunity to learn from an elite performer on what it takes to be a world-class performer!

Date : Monday 11 September 2017
Venue : Republic Polytechnic (The Republic Cultural Centre, Studio)
(9 Woodlands Avenue 9, Singapore 738964)
Time : 7pm (Registration)
730pm - 9pm (Session)

$30 (Non-Member)
$25 (Student)
Free for Guild Members

- Ticket purchase for non-members via {eventbrite link} starts from 15 August 2017
- Guild members may register now at (Priority to Guild members up to 22 August 2017)
- Ticket fee can be offset from membership fee, sign up for membership at

Guild Membership Fees
Full Membership - $60 p.a.
Associate Membership - $50 p.a.
Student Membership - $20 p.a.
NSF Membership - $30 p.a.
Retired musicians (above 62) - waived
Low/ no income for 1 year with documentary proof - waived
Lifetime membership: $1000 (past membership fees deductable)

This talk is for musicians and anyone eligible for membership to the Guild. We reserve the right to deny admission.

In the Spotlight is a professional development programme for musicians brought to you by the Musicians Guild of Singapore (

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