Sharksfin and Fur

Given the chance to consume sharksfin and wear fur for free, would you :

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Let’s talk about Chickens now, the most common meat around….

I didn’t watch the Video but I can imagine (well I watch it after that) – Assumming if we are using both our hands and Strangling a chicken while he/she screaming like hell, eyes big big look at you, wings Flapping and Legs hanging in mid-air kicking …………..then silence, dead … and next someone is gonna pluck all their feathers and later chop up the body parts……as an example here

Cruelty – is the word. We can eat Chicken for sure (No one will ever say they have never eaten a Chicken in their entire life (except babies who have no teeth).

Killing a Chicken for Human consumption is not a Problem. It’s the way they are being kill……The animal must not suffer (too much while dying) – so it’s ok if you take a Very sharp samurai sword and just slash it’s neck out in split-seconds….but to strangle and make the animal suffer for a long time while dying is really – Cruel….

PS: - No more killing Chickens oneday - will lend Kentucky Bankrupt, and me leading a Riot protesting .......... "No Chicken, No Meat - I'll Die"...
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I'm glad I have completely stopped eating shark's fin since a few years ago. :D Killing sharks just for their fins, in my opinion, is more cruel that killing male chickens.

Although the lives of male chickens are really sad.
HAHA monkeys with their brains intact. This I must see.

Go zoo lah. A lot over there :}

RD brought up a good point; That the method of killing livestock determines how much the animal has to suffer..

Which is why eating monkey brains is beyond cruel. :(
Urgh. Can't stand it when people wear fur.

Anyway, anyone here vegetarian?

i've been vegetarian for about 3 years now.

to those who believe that certain animals exist for us to consume, that is like saying that humans are born to get diseases (and subsequently die). we do get diseases, but the purpose of our existence, whatever it may be, is certainly NOT about getting a disease.

likewise, chickens/cows etc. do not exist only to serve as our food. as far as those that are bred in farms, do a little research on their dismal living conditions and eventual slaughter: // Cruelty to Animals: Mechanized Madness

it is possible to lead a healthy lifestyle as a vegetarian. it is even possible to be a great athlete while maintaining a vegetarian diet. carl lewis went vegan in 1990, and one year later, in 1991, he set a world record in the 100m sprint world at the world championships. here's a quote from the man himself:

"Can a world-class athlete get enough protein from a vegetarian diet to compete? I’ve found that a person does not need protein from meat to be a successful athlete. In fact, my best year of track competition was the first year I ate a vegan diet. Moreover, by continuing to eat a vegan diet, my weight is under control, I like the way I look. (I know that sounds vain, but all of us want to like the way we look.) I enjoy eating more, and I feel great."

now, all this stuff i've said will make it seem like i dislike people who eat meat, or i'm trying to convert people. well, i have no such feelings/intentions. i simply wish to provide information to others, and let them choose whatever they wish to do. all of my best friends eat meat, and i have no problems with that. being vegetarian is simply my way of leading a logical life and feeling comfortable with myself.

(phew. that was one long-winded post!)

Carl Lewis was actually marketing the diet product “Vegan” when he said all’s part & parcel of giving some testimony by someone.

Sometimes, I’ve seen many people who are Vegetarian goes to a Vegetarian stall..and they order “Chicken, Fish, Cha-Siew, Hot Dog” etc……Yes these so call FAKE-MEAT made by these Vegetarian stalls are certainly not real meat….BUT, come to think about it – If a Vegetarian does crave for meat here, so they order Fake-Meat Look Alike – It’s really like taking meat even though they are not….Because when they have a craving or they think “I’m eating a Chicken” – They are eating a Chicken……….but like the saying goes – there are plenty of fish in the Ocean, but of different Species – so one vegetarian might not think like another. (this is my Opinion)…

I remember very clearly an incident when I was in Japan Nagoya (for a Toyota Parts Management Seminar back then) - - - Toyota Staffs brought us out for dinner and have “Shabu-Shabu” for dinner one night. I ordered my Beef and such, then this Toyota Manager from Qatar (he is an Indian) says he cannot eat meat, cause he is a Vegetarian…..The Japanese told him “Then you can only order the Vegetables here”……He look around than tell the waiter –‘I want a Chicken”……..and so The Japanese (a very cheeky manager ) says to him “You mean – A Chicken is a Vegetable In Your Country” …and we all laugh (it was really so funny) – and the Manager from Qatar says “No- A Chicken is not a Vegetable in my country (he was quite angry) and continue saying- I just cant eat Red-Meat, but chicken meat is white – so I can Eat” …………….I’ve never forgot this Incident’s really so funny…so there must be many types of Vegetarian in the World.
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I tend to want to avoid debates on vegetarianism solely because it's really nothing to convince about, even if the topic was about animal cruelty, the existance of animals, or the neurobiological consequences of eating meat; It's like comparing two religions, it's an individual's preference, and like RD mentioned, there are many types of vegetarians until I got confused and decided to leave them alone.
For example; personally, I have a clear distinction between animals and livestock, and that keeps me a chicken / fish / mutton eater. It's my schema of things, just like everyone else has their own schema of being vegetarian (like that example RD gave). So to have discussions about them is not much so a topic of anything except a rival of convincing each others' beliefs.

I mean.. just leave each other alone lah.
You wanna eat veges all your life, go ahead. You wanna be a carnivore all the way, go ahead.
Just don't go poking about at our next meal and tell us how that poor cow suffered, because until you can back up facts that the same patty in my burger was from a psychologically traumatized cow and did not die a peaceful death, you're gonna end up being a complete numbknuck arse disturbing a person's meal, yknow?

Hell I'd stop eating a particular meat if I knew the farm slaughtering it were cruel with their ways or made the cow jumped loops to get our steak tender. I don't think meat-eaters are that heartless?
donno if she VEGAN doe ... :confused:

Woi... I was referring to George Bush in my prev post lah.. -_- I happen to be quite obsessed with Kate Bush, and yesh, she's vegan :} I don't think she's a strict vegan tho, she just keeps off animals.
wait till you talk to some buddhist vegetarians about the Five Pungent Spices that are technically vegetables BUT forbidden.

Other foods that may fall into the "forbidden" category include "the Five Pungent Spices." This refers to onions, scallions, chives, garlic, etc. Traditionally, Buddhists have believed that a person who eats these foods will suffer the following ill effects:

* His blood and flesh will be rejected by the gods, and the heavens will distance themselves far from him.
* His breath is always foul; therefore, all gods and saints will reject him.
* If eaten cooked, these foods will arouse lust and cause explosive temper.
* If eaten raw, they will increase one's anger and cause bad body odor that will not please the gods but will stimulate interested "hungry ghosts" who will hover around and kiss one's lips. Being near ghosts is believed to hinder one's enlightenment.

Further reading on this here and "The Five Pungent Spices" are namely

* Garlic
* Chive
* Leek
* Onion
* Devils dung (hing/asfoetida)
protein from beans, tofu and soy.

its pretty obvious what people would vote for.
not trying to be elitist or brainwashy, but whats the point of boycotting shark meat but not poultry meat or other forms of meat. just because the way they obtain the shark's fins are more brutal and gross? i think killing is more disgusting, the sharks get to live, not trying to say that its a good thing. if you really want to be involved, you'll boycott any form of meat because all lives are equal, shark or chicken.
nobody wants to kill animals, but sharks are much much easier to avoid than regular meat. how about starting a thread on the effects and harm one causes just buy choosing to eat meat and put a poll?
Onions and temper are factually, scientifically, and medically accurate. My mom has always nagged my dad regarding onions. "This is why I always say no onions" is what she says when my dad is quick to yell.

Btw, regarding a poll on meat, let me provide you with an intelligent reponse - no. You will only ignite something. The following statement:

"if you really want to be involved, you'll boycott any form of meat because all lives are equal, shark or chicken."

is already a catalyst. In fact, for the type of forum that SOFT is, this topic itself is not fitting.
its pretty obvious what people would vote for.

I didn't have the heart to tell the vicks. There is a strong element of bias or self-selection in this sort of poll - people who have a certain view (say all the anti-fur people) may be more motivated to vote as opposed to the opposite camp or of other persuasions. Same thing happens in radio polls - people who call in are self-selecting as opposed to random selection by pollster. Nevermind lah, we just help her with her homework. I don't think the vicks is going to determine national policy based on the poll results. Or is she?
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