Sharksfin and Fur

Given the chance to consume sharksfin and wear fur for free, would you :

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I Am Totally Against The Killing Of Any Endangered Species - Be It For Food Or Fur.

Though I Am No Longer A Vegetarian - I Still Advocate The Proper & Humain Slaughter Of The Animal Concerned Where By It Would Not Or Have Only Limited Suffering.
i dont and will not wear fur. after watching a sick video at PETA's website.
anyway, i've never been in contact with fur since i was born. :D

shark fin's wise, i have to say sorry, cos i LOVE shark fin.
dir, that sounds real nasty.

HOLY CRAP! Are you serious?!

I'm serious, but I ain't sure! Pretty convinced it is though!

well uh sharks fin IS cartilage

The one Seetoh and Bourdain were having is a wholly different part from the fin! This I'm sure!

there's a famous shark's meat lor mee at Tiong Bahru Market. not sure where they get their shark meat from. maybe they take the finless sharks.

I've tried that before, used to eat it once a monthly or so. I'm not sure if it's truly shark's meat.
sharks fin has no taste, so i assume you're talkin about the soup?
nutrition, sharksfin is just cartilage, doesnt have any helpful nutrition that i know about.

so no big deal as in, to you it's just another dish?
Yea ,Im talking about the soup, and I think there's some hoo-haa about sharksfin soup being nutritious in some way or another.

Sharksfin soup is no big deal to me because i dont see what's so special about it's taste/texture blah blah, basically, i wouldnt pay to have a bowl of sharksfin soup
Do you know it would take at least two tigers to be sacrificed to make only one tiger fur coat? Kinda sick la.

Chose option 2 :D Can't resist shark's fin. lol.
im sure most of you should know this.
sharks fin soup is actually made by pork/chicken base.
the sharks fin it self is tasteless,
it just provides a gelatinous texture to the soup, and absorbs the taste of the broth
as a foodie aka GREEDY GLUTTON, I'd eat almost anything BUT in recently light, I've decided to give up on shark's fin and foie gras.

I like shark's fin for the flavour of the soup and the nice texture of the fins, plus with a dash of vinegar and cognac... oohh lala... But that can easily be replaced by mock shark's fin.

Foie gras on the other hand... mmmm.... nothing can replace it lah... fricken delicious but I choose not to eat it lah.

Fur... no need and no practical use for it BUT leather, yes.

I can't please everyone but I'm not about to either. I feel it is important to be able to make decisions rationally and not be all carried away by propaganda.
I'm pretty much satisfied with eating just chicken and mutton, thank you.
Killing sharks for their fins and using animal fur, imo, is just not productive. I think it's still going on just because of the trend and status of it, which is why it's important to abolish such things. People who support these things are just feeding their money away.

I've tasted almost every exotic animal dish out there (just to see if it lives up the hype, and to recognise the taste so that I know how to avoid it in the future), and I daresay as a food enthusiast, it's not worth an inch of the suffering the animal has to go through. Not worth my money either!

Why do you need fur anyway, Iceland has an overload of wool, just use that to keep warm lah. Last I heard, they really have no idea what to do with so much wool, now they're working on making trendy woollen shoes. They even have synthethic fur now, if you like fur for the glam look. Otherwise it's pretty much utterly pointless hunting and killing animals for it..

To be honest I'd rather see a human killed and have its remains used as a delicacy or trend instead of animals, seeing how many useless people there are on earth, like Bush... :P
haha edder, foie gras will kill you that's why. i heard it's loaded with fat and cholesterol.. yummy =D i'm loving it! lol
Sharskfin - I RIKES
Fur - Donch have. Donch Need. Donch Want.
Leather I RIKES


My thoughts are that people get swayed by NGOs with large sums of cash.

If you think about it, eating sharksfin isn't an issue in an of itself. It is the way the sharks are killed - just for the fins.

Me thinks if shark fishermen/hunters have an avenue to sell an entire shark then the sad manner with which the sharks are killed may be precluded.

So, how does Shark Bak Kwa sound to you? Shark Floss? Shark Steaks. BarBQued Shark, ala Newton Circus style?

If one were to look at the way Indonesia and large parts of South America and how they clear their forestry then alot of us may not eat beef or rice. Afterall, the burning of forest areas in Indonesia will ultimately result in the untimely deaths of thousands of human beings as they are forced to breathe in smog - created by the burning of forestry to allow for the cultivation of crops and trees.

So how lidat?

Me thinks, that shark meat is good and can be used for a lot of purposes. If these ends are met, then we can all eat sharksfin daily and grow old and virile. I RIKES!
okay guys i think 30 votes are adequate, thanks!(:
feel free to use this thread as a discussion though.

and a big thank you to all votes and opinions!


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