Sharksfin and Fur

Given the chance to consume sharksfin and wear fur for free, would you :

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I'll refuse (fur definitely), but I will not look for other alternatives. Fur and Sharks' fin are two things that I've no problem steering clear off.

For fur, like Ben said, isn't as highly-regarded here 'cos we're in SEA. Asia would be not too accurate because that includes CHINA who are one of the culprits. Besides, even if obtaining fur didn't result in the merciless torture of defenseless creatures, I wouldn't still wear it. You can kinda figure it'd be quite a bitch to maintain, just like winter clothing. Eek.

As for sharks' fin, I can't remember when I last ate it. It's not something I crave for, I prefer monkey brains, gall bladder of bear and tasty tasty dog meat. Heh kidding! I too watched the documentary on how sharks were thrown back to sea after their fins were cut off, leaving to die a slow, slow death, with other fishes/sharks eat it while it was still alive. Nasty.

That said, it's something I don't have to think twice before eating. It's free, why not? Not fur though, I don't wanna look like a ladyboy.
cas are basically everything in between :(

I am so glad I am not young and foolish anymore. I still wake up in a cold sweat sometimes - the horror, the horror - it doesn't quite leave you.

If sharks were farmed, would it make a difference? Minks are farmed too. And so, the ethics of eating and wearing captive animal meat and products as opposed to wild ones - how does this compare (cf. vicks, your remark about animals bred for eating). Does your ca address this aspect?
sharks are mass killed.
and for all predators/prey.
any decrese or increase in numbers causes a serious imbalance in the ecosystem.
Well, so farming sharks specially and specifically for the sole reason of human consumption would solve it, no?
the way i see it, yes it would.
apart from the fact that they would not have anywhere to dump the bodies, it is a feasible option.
however unrealistic it may be.
Nowadays more parts of the shark are used for consumption. Shark fillets, the shark's head as well if I'm not wrong. Anthony Bourdain came by and K.F Seetoh brought him to have something along that line. Or was it shark cartilage. Can't remember too well, getting old here!

Maybe they'll come up with a new product: Sharkwurst or something. I mean, since chinese sausages are filled up with the extra/unwanted parts of the pig right?
kerplunk> have wanted to, but it's hard for me, because as big as an animal lover i am, i cannot abstain from meat due to the fact that i actually like the taste of it.
but of course, nothing exotic. i only eat things meant to be eaten, bred for eating.
and i actually need the meat because of the sports i do.

Me too. But the thought of Christmas dinners makes me scrape that idea off.
My mom is an excellent chef and she makes bloody good turkey, beef and ox stew etc. during Christmas. Yum. Guilty... Guilty... MEAT IS MURDER:( guilty... Guilty...
there's a famous shark's meat lor mee at Tiong Bahru Market. not sure where they get their shark meat from. maybe they take the finless sharks.
Theres always artificial shark fin.As for fur?I not sure but theres always pvcs and spandex to replace the leather.
i dont eat sharks and dont wear fur.

but as sharks are killed in such inhuman ways, so are other animals i see. i think its quite the same as japanese catching fish and straight away slicing the meat off, lobsters still alive straight away boil or fry it. those...isit abalone or what shellfish, they just put on top of fire while it wriggled to death. but ok well, those sharks have more time to suffer.

fur? or did u mean skin? i heard animals that we get fur from, like sheeps, they are not hurt nor they suffer when the fur is cut away. though they will eventually be killed for mutton.

i don't mind eating shark's fin soup, although i don't get to eat it regularly..maybe only once a year.
i am against the fur trade though, so where do i vote vicko? :S

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