Sharksfin and Fur

Given the chance to consume sharksfin and wear fur for free, would you :

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Hey guys, big thanks again to everyone who participated.
I would like to check before using your usernames in my project.
would that be okay with you?

for selected quotes,
i might need to know your age and your profession to suitable narrow down the people and ages to prove if you could prove my hypothesis right or wrong.

quoted by betsybug: I am under FBI witness protection programme. :(

Farid's Bush Investigations?:mrgreen:
okay guys, i need some of your information.
please pm me your age, gender and occupation.

The selected softies are : fgl, betsybug, kdash, tidesofblood, gjtaylor, sage, eugenesmasher, 80s_people, and extremers

When the eating stops, does the killing really stops?


Personally, I don't wear Fur ... firstly, I'm not an Eskimo, I live in a relatively warm country near the equator. Secondly, I'm not ready to spend money to increase sales for the Fur industry just so that I can parade around on some dead animal skin.

As for shark's fin, I don't actively look for it, but if offered during chinese weddings, I won't refuse it either. Firstly, Sharks fin tastes good, I don't deny that. Secondly, even if you refuse to eat shark's fin in chinese weddings, the fin is already paid for, so it doesn't matter whether you eat it or not coz producers has already factored that into their revenue. So refusing to eat in chinese weddings basically doesn't do anything to help the poor shark ... the portion of the dead shark will just be wasted away in the bin ... that's about it.

But welll, if it makes you feel better not eating it, then just don't eat. I'm just irritated with people who make's eating shark's fin as though it's a sin. Personal conviction, you like you eat, don't like don't eat.

...the fin is already paid for, so it doesn't matter whether you eat it or not coz producers has already factored that into their revenue. So refusing to eat in chinese weddings basically doesn't do anything to help the poor shark ... the portion of the dead shark will just be wasted away in the bin ... that's about it.

but if more and more guests stop eating it, future couples would think twice in havin them on the menu. the buying can eventually stop.

Shark Fin Soup is my favorite dish,
and the last time i had it was more than 10 years ago.
when i found out how the poor sharks were slaughtered
to make it.
hey guys i am here once again to thank all for the votes and opinions, and im proud to announce that my team has achieved the 3rd place amidst all the tough competition!

we're the only group that got a prize who did a relatively interesting and engaging topic :P

the teachers and principal commended me for the soft survey, and i owe it all to you guys for your valuable input!

thank you once again!

I eat FAKE sharkfin so I don't have to feel the guilt of indirectly killing the little sharkies.

And I don't like fur cos I feel its like wearing another man's skin. EWWWW
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