SG appreciation thread

I don't think so, seems normal to me. Maybe it's the camera angle.

ah now i know why...correct me if im wrong...
but on ur guitar...the bottom flare out is almost the same width as the higher moustache flare out, so thats why gives the illusion that the top looks narrower.
i just saw a MIJ epi thats like this, which the owner actually measured cos he was wondering why the headstock looked abit different.
usually on gibsons there is about a 8mm - 10mm difference in width between the two.

Whats the difference between a Gibson 61 reissue and the Standard SG? and is the Angus Young SG any good?

apart from obvious different pickups.
'61 RI has more neck access than Standard which is 3 frets deeper into the body, before anyone says weak joint, all '61 RI have long neck tenons.
'61 RI joins body at 22nd fret, Standard at 19th fret.
'61 RI neck is also thinner, but Angus SG is the thinnest of all.
but then Angus has never ever used his own signature model, so why bother.
'61 RI also has more bevelled body and also 1-piece.

yea, just go buy a '61 RI :P
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the new gibson raw power...its just a stripped down version of the sg special
simple..but price aint anywhere near simple...retails at 1k6 USD

the new gibson raw power...its just a stripped down version of the sg special
simple..but price aint anywhere near simple...retails at 1k6 USD

whered u get that pic from? didnt notice the transparent pickguard before.

anyway, its not stripped down of sg special la...
its a different beast altogether cos of its maple build.
Radix available in Singapore

Check if you are interested about Radix. Any Radix model available from can be ordered from Stonelake Guitars.

its a pity the person who sells it here doesnt stock it, have to pre-order with a 20% deposit first...and at RM2k + hardcase...wrong price point for malaysian market...cos at that price i will be more tempted to just get a Samick TR2 or TR3 for much cheaper.

while in indonesia the radix sells for around RM1.3k or SGD530.

and the build quality, if its like the marlique, should be pretty ok.

btw, i just noticed something weird on the radix.
is that a huge ass string retainer behind the nut? and why does it need one if it already has a nice headstock angle.