Seymour Duncan pickups- which model(s) would you buy?

go to the OM forums and listen to dhalif's recordings... he say he use his squier strat :lol:

stock pickups... :twisted:
i don't like Duncan pickups. used to have a JB and it did have midrange and balls, but it didn't have mojo and for some reason sounded really brittle.

i think Kinmans, Harmonic Designs, Gibson P90s, DiMarzio PAF Pros, Gibson Burstbuckers, and TV Jones pickups pretty much cover everything i like. :D
i recently changed my stock epiphone pickups for a JB in the bridge and a jazz for the neck...and i'm basically STUNNED by the change. the tone i got was SO different compared to what i had originally...esp the JB, absolutely yummy. Not only were notes extremely well defined, it removed the irritating heavy bottom end problem i originally had...and i must say that there is really some attitude in the pickup....nice strong midrange and sweet treble. damn happy :D
Moo is back to haunt you guys. Speaking of p-UPs, any good retailer of JB pickups in sg? I'm also looking for great single coils for a strat, anyone knows where to get DiMarzios, perhaps the X2N? *ponders the price*
stillwater wrote:
Custom Custom, YES!... i would love to lay my hands on one too!!!

pooo Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:46 pm Post subject:


stillwater wrote:
Custom Custom, YES!... i would love to lay my hands on one too!!!

Best pickup in the world man!

*this is an extremely biased claim *

have to agree with you on that one...great humbuckers, love the output...bright yet...warm? i dunno how to describe that...when you play with the tone get a lot of sounds from tat man...
serialninja said:
i don't like Duncan pickups. used to have a JB and it did have midrange and balls, but it didn't have mojo and for some reason sounded really brittle.

i think Kinmans, Harmonic Designs, Gibson P90s, DiMarzio PAF Pros, Gibson Burstbuckers, and TV Jones pickups pretty much cover everything i like. :D

looks like you have your own preferences. some of us think that the JB is one of the lethal offerings by Duncan, it's fusion master Frank Gambale's personal favourite. he swears by the pickup, even after switching from ibanez to yamaha... 8)
subversion - any comments on the jb-jr vs the jb? and the SSL-5 Custom Staggered?

i just traded for them today, haven't decided whether to drop them on my strat or on a new guitar instead.

thanks in advance.. :)
the SSL should go into your strat. the JB Jr is best in a super-strat type guitar. IMO the strat would sound better with single coils...

there's not much tone diff between the JB Jr & the full-sized JB, unlike the Lil '59 & the '59. if you like the JB then the JB Jr would be ear candy too. the JB Jr though would make a great neck pickup, although it's forte is in the bridge position- lots of midrange clarity, less mush...
ok... i got the JB-Jr (1b) - ie for bridge. The guy who sold me basically told me it's 1b simply because they shortened the wires. lol.

btw will i encounter any problems if i install the SSL in the middle with stock PUs on neck and bridge? The resistances difference are quite big (6ohms and 15ohms).
Heyy..Was wondering lots of people talked about the Ducan JB. Well I tink lots of people are using it. What bout Ducan distortion? I really would like to know wat their exact difference are?

I went to the SD website and heard some samples.The duncan distortion seems to be brighter and have more oomph to it. ( I hope u know wat i mean) :) :) :)

The livewire metal humbucker is really nioce also.(from wat i heard at the website.Havent really tried it)Have ani got these in their guitars? Too bad my guitar hadnt got a space for battery or not ild have went for it.
stillwater said:
HAHA... Pooo, you'd probably get slammed by many ppl :lol: *dug first*

LoL non so far, there'll only be good responses hahahahahahaha. It's too good a pickup to be bashed. Honestly, i have yet to meet anybody who claims the CC sux.
stillwater said:

yeah really.. never had it changed.. no cash loll but i like it the way it is now.. i have the phobia of changing something and suddenly after that the world just falls on you... ha ha