
hahah i havenft gotten a chance to listen to other amps yet!

i cant really explain the sound in my head.the gibson + mesa/marshall sound gets pretty close to it

but yes, i like a healthy amount of mids in my sound over a scooped mids sound.
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ok im home!

heard my rig through a trace elliot triamp with a tele today. gonna run em through two different marshall stacks tmr :D

could get a very nice marshall-ish sound. im really enjoying what im hearing. especially the bass response

we both noticed the gain from the pedal wasnt very high. but it was very natural and full sounding
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what are your favourite settings for the pedal? i am still quite unfamilar with the pedal when it comes to tweaking.
favourite settings for the pedal

Everyone has a fav setting ... in the end they might confuse you :)
But if u can tell me the kind of grind you are looking for ...i may be able to point you the way.;)

or just buzz me at nine eight two seven zero seven nine three.

Niteblade heard the 7th through a Vj into celestion 2x12 sealed cab with one speaker unplugged...
im running the 7theaven through my Rockerverb 50 and i have to say that it has saved me a lot of money. was contemplating getting another amp for the high gain or the driven tone. well, cause the RV50 has only 2 channels. but......... not my second channel is my 7theaven!. im not using the 7theaven at high gain. not saying its not good but its unique at Low!!!... and i kinda kinda LOVE it. setting my amp at high gain. instant 3 channel amp.
Pedalitis, how does the 7th stack up against the drive on your Rockerverb? I saw Goose fixing your amp when I was at his house to collect my custom wah....really nice amp in the flesh I must say.
I tried the seventh when Ized brought it over , it was impressive and more over he managed to tweak it exactly to the sound i want plus with a ts 9dx tubescreamer it sounded damn good on my crappy amp .

My only problem was that it had too many knobs and it takes awhile to get it configured
ahh it took me really long to tweak, but right now i've really gotten the sound i couldnt get previously from this pedal. a strat, im using a strat. and while im still playing into a valbee, i could get a setting that was absolutely transparent and "od sounding".
i realised the mid and prescence knob reacts differently on low gain and high gain, and also between the green and red channel.
green channel ftw, it does magic, really. wonderful crunch, awesome gain. nice when stacked as well (saha lalalallalalalala in the morning)

as for hard metal, i have to tweak even more. my amp doesnt allow tonal nirvana the moment i engage both the 7th and sahasrara. wayy trebly.. both pedals still need to be tweaked well.
Oh the valbee ..nice.
If possible try with other amps too.

I just had a good time with a modded Epi VJ... grinding it the 7th :)

heh, its inevitable, part of the deal for coming up with something goot.

be it too many knobs or tgp
i will bro, but not anytime soon iam afraid

iam going thru some relearning phase and searching for ideas perhaps for some new recording. Heh, doesnt help that i have been feeling like an empty well for long while.

But yeah, if i going to do clip for 7th, i wont want it to be just a clip of "deeee deeee dilllll doooo, chuggah chuggah kind of". At least i want to find a context where the 7th will fit, away from the rock sock off kinda.