Sec 3 students forced to wear shorts to school

shorts nia... walao you know on a hot day long pants how hot anot, wanna scratch my balls also not as convenient..
And liverevolution, why would it be an all-girls school? Given that in an all-girls school, no one would care if a female student is wearing a black bra because everyone in the school is a girl! It's probably a co-ed school with students donning white and translucent uniform and the guys get to ogle over black bras? :D

Well, if it were a co-ed school, some girls would feel extremely uncomfortable about being bra-less and would raise a complain to MOE against the school, especially with the boys' hormones raging and the constant ogling. Besides, who knows what some boys are capable off. If one of them can't control his hormones correctly - I dread to see the result and backlash

If it were a girls school, at least the discomfort is a lot reduced because - as you said - everyone's a girl. They all have breasts and nipples so the discomfort level is reduced. The most is that you get disapproving stares from the teachers and some of your classmates, that's about all. Of course, this punishment would only be efficient on girls who are particular about it - those daring/voyuerisitic/free-minded/etc to do so in normal day life wouldn't give a hoot
O.o wow to me they all very lucky have to wear shorts O.o sec 2 i everytime think all the upper secs lucky wear long in sec 3 already everything reverse!
I do not see a big deal in wearing shorts. I suggest that the TS take a trip to any local polys and uni, it appears to me that wearing shorts to school is the trend, the new black. Take NUS and NTU as example, more than half of the guys wear shorts to school. Some hall peeps even wear running shorts and singlets for lectures. If they are not worried about "not grown up enough" or hairy legs, why should that bother you?
I do not see a big deal in wearing shorts.

This, I can personally attest too... hairy legs so what??? Most of the times I go for lectures wearing shorts/berms + slippers (unless there's a lab session where you are 'forced' to wear covered shoes)
I do not see a big deal in wearing shorts.

ang moh prof wear shorts = hairier

i bet the most of those guys are from hall or residence/ eng fac. But well i certainly dont mind if girls wear their singlets and their short short fbt shorts..
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in life sometimes you have to live with things that even you dislike. come on get real, these kids should learn that not everything they want have to go their way. perhaps only at home, where they get pampered too much.
i bet the most of those guys are from hall or residence/ eng fac. But well i certainly dont mind if girls wear their singlets and their short short fbt shorts..

Don't we all. hehe....

My secondary school was long pants all the way so no such issue ever came up.
Well, it's kind of different. For a 15-18 years old adolescent...

casual shorts = sense of freedom = cool

uniformed shorts = regulation & conformity = so not cool !!


Haha, so looks like they will complain irregardless of whether they wear shorts or pants to school.

ang moh prof wear shorts = hairier

i bet the most of those guys are from hall or residence/ eng fac. But well i certainly dont mind if girls wear their singlets and their short short fbt shorts..

Aiyo, not just those guys, its been a trend even in fass and biz. Above-knee-length shorts seem to be the new sexy.
Sidetrack a bit - if these schoolboys in shorts after school - straight go jam .. can be like; ANGUS YOUNG what ... :D