Sec 3 students forced to wear shorts to school

last time during the sec sch period, i cant wait to wear the long pants so i got the "seniority" feeling ar. but now in poly i prefer everyday wear shorts and berms to sch cos more comfortable:)
ah .. what's new from SA? ... in my 4 years in that school i've been slammed with weirder rules than "no wearing of shorts" ...

that being said i'd rather wear shorts and yes kudos to our hwa chong, ACS(i) and Catholic High boys for standing tall for the shorts.

kids these days ... tsk ...
...i cant wait to wear the long pants so i got the "seniority" feeling ar.

Seriously speaking, I think you nail the root of their discontent here. Wearing long pants also make them feel "more adult". If the school is co-ed, then their main concern would be "how the girls think of me in shorts", and their self-consciousness start playing mind games with them. Part of growing up, I guess :D
Seriously speaking, I think you nail the root of their discontent here. Wearing long pants also make them feel "more adult". If the school is co-ed, then their main concern would be "how the girls think of me in shorts", and their self-consciousness start playing mind games with them. Part of growing up, I guess :D

True that. It gives you that sense of seniority, and that people around you would generally treat you more like a young adult then compared to some "school boy" wearing shorts. Probably the letter writer wants to be treated like a mature 15 year old, but wearing the shorts just degrades it even further
What school is that? Just for personal research =)

Well, chances that its probably an all-girls school. No co-ed school would dare to do this with teenage boys around - the hormones would rage and they'll keep giving the girl lustful stares, and the girl would feel uncomfortable.

My best bet is that the reason why this rule, is that the bra can be seen through the uniform :twisted: So draw your own conclusions about which school it is (cause I don't have the answer either, lol)
Zzz, when I was in secondary school, I had to wear shorts for 4 years and I totally love it! It beats wearing baggy long pants in this humid weather and we don't have to worry about teachers chasing people over their tapered pants.

What are these students really complaining about? The money or their image?

And liverevolution, why would it be an all-girls school? Given that in an all-girls school, no one would care if a female student is wearing a black bra because everyone in the school is a girl! It's probably a co-ed school with students donning white and translucent uniform and the guys get to ogle over black bras? :D
during my time in a boy school in geylang bahru lane. The 'infamous' DM , made a notorious sec 3 boy wear pants to school as a form of punishment, while everyone else wear long pants

Oh well. why are there so many of these stomps 'exported' to soft's forum
wear shorts to school wear your tie also and bring along your gibson sg and hello angus young haha guys you should be proud;)
I'm in catholic high. I've been wearing my SEC 1 PANTS for 4 YEARS NOW (well actually 3 years and a month) so don't complain. Seriously. The people in my school think it looks ridiculous, but it's been there for over 70 years, and we don't diss about it.

you mean can still fit meh :confused:
you mean can still fit meh :confused:

I've grown only about 20cm since sec 1... but they were one size too big at sec 1 anyway so now they fit nicely :D

My only complaint about them is that... they're so BAGGY and... there's this lump at your crotch regardless of what you're... "feeling or thinking" at any point of time lol
Well, chances that its probably an all-girls school. No co-ed school would dare to do this with teenage boys around - the hormones would rage and they'll keep giving the girl lustful stares, and the girl would feel uncomfortable.

My best bet is that the reason why this rule, is that the bra can be seen through the uniform :twisted: So draw your own conclusions about which school it is (cause I don't have the answer either, lol)
happenig and when their nipples keep erecting coz it keep rubbing on the soft cotton fabric.. omg.. win man!! i like....

and wear shorts is fine, i love wearing shorts everyday even going to work and i even wear shorts on stage to play, if ACDC can do it.. what gives?
1) The male students are not "forced to wear shorts"

2) The male students are just "not allowed to wear long pants anymore"

3) If you want to use the word "forced" to twist a situation in your favor, you might as well say "Many Male students around Singapore forced to wear long pants to school"

4) Therefore, thread title is misleading and i have lost respect for the TS. I doubt you are any older than 16.

5) Stomp is filled with a lot of pointless stories. Just go to their website and randomly choose any article with your eyes closed. you'll see what i mean.