Rock chicks photos

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and of all things.... Urban Dictionary!!!

Urban Dictionary is a slang dictionary with your definitions. Define your world.

If it has been done before in the context of Singapore, there will be a famous SG Rock Chick now

I really really IMHO feel that any self respecting female musician in the genre of "rock" would even want to call themselves an... ahem... ROCK CHICK.

to me that term by itself is already derogatory.

I'd rather call em... MUSICIANS or for what the older generation will call em... MUSOS! :lol:
Rock Chick to me is female who is good-looking, dresses up and projects the "rock" image. Thats it. Throw in the "rock attitude" or likes to jam "rock" music or really enjoys "rock" music....i would call her a female rocker instead regardless of looks/image.

This is what i call a female rocker
is the shore getting shallower?

dear averRal, that was not my defintion of rock chic in general, that was my description of you.

Your poems are a plenty, but then it doesnt rock. Without melody, without rhythm nor fellow musicians to rock out in filling the words to musical arrangement, its empty :cry:

when you start to creat music, thats the moment that you will start rocking.

Dresses, lives, breathes? Heh

i can dress like a bapok, live like tais tais and breath the same air women breath, but without going thru ops, i am just a man living a fake woman life :lol:
why do we care???? why do we care sooo much???

I'd like to dedicate Typewriter's Enemy to all the concerned kepochis on this thread including myself!
AverRal: Do you know that it requires a lot of confidence for a girl to post a photo online? Because she thinks she is fat and ugly. She thinks that her cheeks are too fat, she is eating too much and not tall enough. She thinks she is not the perfect girl.

I know... Me too... :cry:

I think my ass is getting bigger... Every time I look at the mirror, I'm like "Oh my God... How?! My life is soooo unfair!!!" Then I call my BFF, bro edder bro and cry my heart out...

How? Gotch suggestions? :cry:
As always bro agingyouth bro we shall just play football right beside moist field of Sunset Way with the glistening water reflecting the evening golden sunrays....
Dear PatheinRaindropMoe,

You are a pathetic shallow person.

Do you like people judging your character when they dont even know you? Please, i am in no position to call you a pathetic shallow person because i dont know you either. So please take back your words.
Bodypile!!!! :lol:

edit: change silly remark to be in line with the abercrombie direction this thread is moving towards.
Maybe we should meet up one day and i will show you my songs and sing them to you.

My friend has the piano chords to several of my songs, would you kindly like to hear them? You could drop me your handphone number i will call you up and let you listen :) I am not posting them online because they are not copyrighted.

You do not know me personally, you dont know what i am.
I would sincerely like to change this impression you have because it is untrue.
nahh.... don't bother, copyrights are next to useless if some bigwig decides to use em and you won't have the $$$$ to fight em. :wink:

well music these days with the internet IMHO is like this.

You wanna share, share it. Don't worry too much. You can release something, copyright it, publish it, wotever it in the name of the law.

Till the end, P2P is still here to stay.

While it is good to know the rights and wrongs, I find that is more productive to concentrate on the meat of the subject and find a good way to market it out.

Our impression of you is just the way you carry yourself online. :wink: Likewise your impression of us. :lol:
AverRal, if those tunes are original, tt'd be great for you lah! Can post in the OM thread.

MySpace is streaming what...

Unless you are worried that people will steal your song as their own? That's what we call flattery, darling... John Lennon said before: "Wanna-bes copy other people, geniuses steal."
yes, averRal, i take back my words and offer my sincerest apologies!

i wont edit my post earlier coz i have written what i have already wrote and i will stand by what was written. Let it be a proof of me stupidity :cry:

Anyway, you dont have to show me that you have the tunes, ultimately, you wrote the music, continue doing it coz you wanted to. I respect the action of focusing on music over the image/news/scandals aspect.

Let the music be the light and the rest will follow
yes and okie dokie

bro SOFT bro, sometimes gender politics confuse me to no end.

If you bully a girl, you are a fucken bastard.
If you overtly help a girl, you are a male chaunvist. (What? Girls can't do it on their own?)
If you go out with a few girls at the same time, you are a fucken bastard.
If a girl goes out with a few guys, she's confused or making a choice...
Women fight for equal rights but they won't carry their own shopping bags...
Is it playing the game or being smart of making use of resources?

Abercrombie was NEVAH like this!!!
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