reviews on MXR pedals

MXR El Grande

I think Singapore don't have it yet. Not very sure, but I'm quite sure I haven't seen it around. Only found out about it by surfing Jim Dunlop's site. Should be SGD$160 after shipping if you buying from US. Market price's USD99.00 on eBay.
yeah, heard that they'll be in singapore in august or smthg lyk tat.

160bucks i think isn't that ex for a fuzz pedal rite?
considering the quality of it.

btw, are EBS pedals good?
i'm like lost when it comes to effects and all that,lol
oh no... not another is-this-'good' question. but,

ebs: at that price range, you want it to be good

"is this expensive" is a new one which is equally as impossible to answer

bass distortions are usually more expensive than guitar distortions of the same range. whether or not you find it expensive depends on your budget.

prices (in USD)
zvex woolly mammoth - $359
devi ever bass fuzz - $135
fulltone bassdrive mosfet - $185
ehx bass big muff pi - $79
ehx bass blogger - $79
frantone bassweet - $235
homebrew hematoma - $199
malekko barker assmaster - $255
malekko barker assmasster germanium - $285
earthbound supercollider - $120
electroniX MESSdrive Hybird+ Bass Fuzz - $115
mxr bass blowtorch - $150
ebs multidrive - $249
ebs valvedrive - $399
t-rex bass juice - $279

not including shipping, which could add up to USD30

so it's up to you to interpret. but the general consensus is that at $99 it is pretty reasonable
Very comprehensive list of pedals. Think the EBS pedals are cheaper if you are listing is USD. Multidrive is about US$200 and the Valvedrive should be about US$300.

Agree with your point. The general consensus is that US$99 is not too bad a price for a decent fuzz pedal.
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true, i agree that bass distortions are generally more expensive than guitar ones.

but i'm prepared to pay like around 200 plus for a good one. so to me 160 is "cheap" lah
the only difficult part for me is to save up the money.
haha, i'm like saving 60% of my weekly allowance everyweek.

but back to the threadstarter's topic.

i'm going all the way with the M80. but i don't get the part about it being a D.I.
jus wat exactly is a D.I?
and the diff between that and a preamp

and juz to add on,
i juz found this vid on youtube
a review of the blowtorch
and there seems to be quite a lot of fuzz in it. and i kind of like it

but the prob is when i tried it out( a long time ago) a Davis,
i can't seem to get that tone even with all the knobs for the distortion to the max. =\
any idea why?
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Basically, correct me if I'm wrong, D.Is boost your sound signal, which is absolutely essentially if you play in live locations. e.g church, bars and clubs, etc. Essentially, D.Is are not effects, though some, like the MXR D.I, has built-in effects. Usually, such built-in effects are overdrives or distortions. The difference, my guessing, is that the main function is to shape your sound (e.g Lows, Mids, Highs, and the in-betweens).

My take is, if you are looking for a GOOD/SOLID sound driver/distortion, you should get a standalone pedal rather than depend on the D.I's built-in effect.

And on the other hand, if you play alot in a live setting, especially in church, I highly recommend a good separate D.I box. This will reduce the loss of tone (the signal output from your instrument is not enough to go through a long circuit length, though D.Is are not necessary if you are just playing with a direct signal to an amp) as your signal goes through a long series of circuits before the final output through the house speakers. I'm currently using the Radial Tonebone Bassbone as my D.I box.

Anyone else wants to add on?
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Very comprehensive list of pedals. Think the EBS pedals are cheaper if you are listing is USD. Multidrive is about US$200 and the Valvedrive should be about US$300.

Agree with your point. The general consensus is that US$99 is not too bad a price for a decent fuzz pedal.

yeah, that's cause i didn't bother differentiating between street price and list price. the diff is quite substantial... i just whack the examples

Anyone else wants to add on?
that's right, and for practical purposes also. the tone controls on a distortion pedal would be far more comprehensive than the distortion setting of a D.I. box. not only that, you might want to do crazy shit with your fx such as running a flanger or phaser or wah after your drive. doing that with a d.i. box w/distortion makes the xlr out pretty redundant

was in KL since yesterday, i came home tonight to a USPS package. EL GRANDE
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hands on el grande: first impressions

i've spent barely hours on the el grande, but here are some of my initial thoughts

i dunno if it's me but the fuzz tone sounds a little compressed

it's said to be a vintage-sounding fuzz, and what that means is that it gets really dirty when you crank the gain. the max amount of fuzz sound pretty splattery to me, so dirty that you would need to bathe after using it.

this is opposed to my idea of a modern sounding fuzz, which is more buzz-saw and synth like. no big deal though, because for modern i have something else in mind :twisted:

i haven't opened the casing and all trim pot settings are stock, but the default setting on the 'deep' switch is a real kick in the balls. i think this is something you would probably need a bit more patience to set nicely, because the other controls are pretty simple to use

right now to me it sounds like a boost of dry low end, parallel to the wet signal. at unity (when the dry level is the same as the wet level) it results in the emphasis of clean lows, and less bite for the fuzz

i need to play with it a bit longer before i can come to any conclusions, and most importantly, commission my pedal
ok, kind of get the idea,
so basically i should be like getting a seperate distortion pedal rite?

so which pedals from the long list up there, lol, would you recommend me get?
if i'm like very into distortion, haha.

or maybe i should juz get a el grande and fuzz all the way, lol.

and i still don't get why i can't get the settigns in that vid using the blowtorch.
probably got to do with the eq settings lah bro. with so many knobs and switches it's not surprising that the exact tone is hard to dial in

nothing wrong with using a DI for distortion lah, but it's just that alot of us are poor starving musicians who can't afford to pay for the additional features of a DI or are willing to forgo a DI box

alot of those pedals above are not found in SG. you got to order them online and your best bet of making a decision is by listening to samples. they not cheap, so its pretty much a gamble

you need to head down to a guitar shop and try them out. i can assure you that it will NOT help you decide, but it will give you a headache in choosing between 4 or 5 of em :mrgreen:
i'm still stuck at the D.I or no D.I part lah,
but yeah it's true that trying out will juz give u a bigger headache.
i already have mind by reading reviews online...
and my EOY exams are coming.
got to stop the GAS