[Renamed] TUBE AMP HEADs

Anyway, to achieve overdrive/distortion purely from tube, you need at least 3 to 4 stages to achieve that. Most design is just using the tube as first stage to drive solid state op-amp clipping circuits.

The only decent one i can find now is the tube driver schematics but they are still noisy.Yeah it runs on a JRC and a 12ax.
Old post updated. I misinformed by saying that the newer AVT50X are no longer made in England. They seem to be, according to unagi (thanks!)

If I've any other factual inaccuracies, let me know and I'll correct them.

Hey Timex, so sorry for the super late reply.

If you want you can try the "Shaka Tube", schematics are all over the net, a simple google will take you to the right place.

I decided to go into pedal building instead, less deadly. LoL
Yeah, just build a fuzzface. using own values for caps stuff.

Basically having some problems with biasing. Just read alot of shit 5 mins ago and gona leave the house now to get more stuff from Sim Lim tower... Sigh.. Lol

its a very satisfying activity tho.
mikemann said:
PTP is largely available from boutique makers only. Cost definately much higher. All these is relative to the individual who wants to buy what he wants.

To make reccomendations on this question is to give one-sided opinions.

You're right on a lot of respects with regard to PTP amps mikemann. Although, I may be wrong, but bogner, soldano, THD, Suhr and Fuchs are all very highly regarded boutique builders who use pcb boards in their amps. Im not an amp builder myself but the general consensus among these builders is that its fallacious to say PTP gives you better tone or reliability. In the end it all boils down to design, since there will be awfully good pcb amps and awful PTP amps. Many boutique builders with small operations favour PTP because that's the only viable business model for them and the small customer base they cater to.

Also, for channel switchers like Suhr's OD-100 and bogners, it would be near impossible to fit all the features the amps carry into a PTP design.


Very expensive :?

^ thats PTP .... but can you handle it ??

Whatever it is you pay $$$ for all that mojo just to sit in your bedroom and annoy your neighbour??? ....Its is all talk here ....you go for gigs and you get poo poo amps....studio's filled with crappy marshall's or China wonders!!

Do you know >>The FEnder Champ has more no.1's in Billboard :twisted:

I am yet to see one freakin thread how to proper use an amp !! :evil:
Hehe, is there a proper way of using an amp? :lol:

I had the link on the magic 6 for Fender amps but lost the link... it's somewhere on the forums.

How to properly use a tube amp - um, after warming up the amp and breaking in the amp/speaker, turn to desired volume and play?
thor666 said:
Old post updated. I misinformed by saying that the newer AVT50X are no longer made in England. They seem to be, according to unagi (thanks!)

If I've any other factual inaccuracies, let me know and I'll correct them.


no prob thor. nice talking to ya too on pm.

hey fellows, im curious abt all these cute little tube amp head + cabinets. they're small 5W to 15W for home use (no need for monster stacks at home).

any advice? thanx!