[Renamed] TUBE AMP HEADs

There are two versions of the AVT50 i think, afaik from HC forums.

the AVT50X is mainly a cosmetic facelift if i'm not mistaken.

Interestingly, I've been playing with my AVT50 recently and I'm growing to like it again.

It'd be great to get the Epi Head and plug through the AVT50, saves money, and from what I read and hear from the TGP sample, the head can be very sweet with a 12AU7.
thor666 said:
There are two versions of the AVT50 i think, afaik from HC forums.

the AVT50X is mainly a cosmetic facelife if i'm not mistaken... and no more made in England.

Interestingly, I've been playing with my AVT50 recently and I'm growing to like it again.

It'd be great to get the Epi Head and plug through the AVT50, saves money, and from what I read and hear from the TGP sample, the head can be very sweet with a 12AU7.

hmm.. i've actually got a spare peavey 112sx cab at home tat i gonna try out on my pathfinder as an extension cab first.. anyway got the link for the TGP sample?
thor666 said:


ooh.. this one ah!!.. haha.. heard it before.. anyway got major GAS for this amp head.. but gonna wait till Swee Lee brings it in.. then i gonna experiment with different tubes.. aniwae wonder if need to bias the tubes for this amp head when u change it? or just plug n play?
Re: How do i use 115V equipment in Singapore?

imcorn said:
dun get the Valve Junior Combo.. there's a lot of hum problems with it (check out the amp forums online). try and get the Valve Junior head and a decent speaker cabinet..

i remember seeing some amp forum saying that u can "mod" the 115v head to a 230v head quite easily by plugging and unplugging some internal wires

Dude, I've bought the amp head and a crate 1x12 celest cabinet already..
So you got the link for the mod ? Cos I'm SO FREAKING DYING TO DO IT !!!
Nope, its shipping over. gona reach on the 11th.. hehe.

anyway, anyone interested in building a tube amp head?
I'm so farkkin hyped up about diying stuff, modding pedals.
building tubes amps and shit... hehe

Just found out how to put a 12AX7 tube in my DS-1.... Woo...
so i ordered a set of 4 EH12AX7s from ebay heheh, can replace my stock tubes when the head arrives. also can use to mod my ds-1 heheh

wah i can wait for my exams to end. argh... ccb.
Seems you are really into this thing. :)

Can't remember but some softie did mention he wanted to assemble a Ceriatone Marshall 18W. (Is it Timex? I forget.)

Think you must be decent at soldering. Heh. After I found my soldering was horrendous, I pretty much gave up on the idea of working with DIY amps/pedals.
Sorry, did not noticed this tread earlier.

Some amp models can be modded internally to accept 230V, depend if it can. If it's tube amp and it can't, best solution is to buy a convertor, but doing so may increase the chance of introducing stray line noise.

Yeah the 18watter, actually I have the whole set with me, still unassembled, waiting for that free time block to come by chance for me to do it up. Very busy wif work now.

Again, amp building is no child play or even adult play. It's no play at all, you must have a certain degree of knowledge in this field, not to mention the experience and skill to pull it off. Not like Lego.

Even for me when I built the JTM45 head last year, I broke a few sweat. Mainly because for me I can't afford the time to idle away as a hobby. Repair jobs sitting and waiting in queue as the built process occupies the workbench. But was satisfying to fire it up and get great tone sound for some idle strumming (remember I dont play at all). It didn't stay wif me for long, sold it pretty soon thru anotehr dealer friend.
yeah it was timex. But kan ni nah. the ceriatone is from malaysia one leh, then they charging US dollar...

One 18 watter, all the components selling for 330 USD leh!
Not including Chassis!!! Teflon wires yeah sure, but its too booteeq for me...

basically the most expensive part of the whole amps are the transformers...
cos the rest of the parts are just tubes, caps, resistors, pots and jacks...

but i can't justify 330 bucks... for a a set of "diy" components. hehe..

been searching for lots of schematics lately... gona try build one soon, slowly part by part. then i'll tell ya all how much $ it takes.
Sorry, but that is not only the whole deal. You add in the metal chassis, the transformers, the tubes. The whole kit with complete parts to build it up cost way more than that. Yeah they charge in USD, you have to convert it to get the real amount. Also factor in conversion and banking service charge, plus the shipping cost.

Haha... It already cost more than a ready made production 30W full tube combo from china, which looks great from the outside (tweed cab with celestion loaded, accurate geometry and cosmetics). But so far I find the sound falls far behind branded productions.

One last bomb, it does NOT come with a cabinet, so you have the whole things with the bottoms innards exposed and the top trannys & tubes on the chassis only.

You factor that in, to get a custom cabinet shipped in or fabricate one yourself. This project in kit form already cost as much as some boutique amp. So how many sleepless nights spend to ponder what went wrong during build stage.

Just a consolation, if you get it right and do a good job. It sounds as good as any boutique amp. So it's in that class.

This is already a KIT form product. Imagine if you acquire individual parts from all over the place. Imagine how much worst it can get!!!

One thing for sure, you should end up with some mismatched components and it likely don't sound as great as it should. That's the reason why a kit package exist.

So far I see you can only look at it at a hobby perspective.

Just speaking from experience. Do interpret it and digest accordingly.
well... I'm not really interested in buyin a ready made amp, if you haven't realised already. ehehe, its really just for fun!

yeah i agree with you on the sleepless nights part... its painful but still fun in the end when you get it right.

Using it as a chassis alone is totally fine, no need a cabinet to hold in a head what... i can't say the same for speakers though.

hahahaha... I really am gona buy individual parts... LOL... I love pain...
Hey you know where i can find 1meg/log pots ? I've hit my first hurdle... heheh
seekz said:
hahahaha... I really am gona buy individual parts... LOL... I love pain...
Hey you know where i can find 1meg/log pots ? I've hit my first hurdle... heheh

Sorry, you are not gonna find those easily. Pratically all SL shops only have linear pots. Haha... see what I mean??

Go ahead, start asking the shops some questions and experience it man...... here comes the pain...
yeah I already figured that out already. I'll be getting a few of the parts from
tubesandmore.com got lots of shit there.

its a personal adventure lah
Just some pics I took of the built process of the JTM45 head I did last year.








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