Timex said:
Did you know that point to point circuitry is more inefficient than the PCB ones? People still do it because of the aesthetic appeal.
Eh.... I don't think that that is right. With well designed placement and wiring, I feel it (P 2 P) beats PCB hands down, in terms of reliability, noise rejection, accessibility...etc. As is shown by legend amps.
Why it's remain seen only in boutique class amps, is mainly because of the manual labour (also the skill required) involved to build such amps properly. With PCB, the build process become automate-able. So mass producing PCB based amps is more viable in today's context.
Some PCB based amps nowsaday have reach a stage, that they are not made to be repair friendly, some even not possible, mostly not economical. SMT (surface mount) technology is such example.
Again, the market is small, in ours even more not viable. If someone is willing to plionk in the cash to open a boutique amp shop in SG, I tell him he is nuts. But at the same time, I will offer to joint venture with him and give it a shot. I also nuts too. I dun play, yet I love the legendary tones that is produced by past guitar legends. JTM45, Twin Reverb, Orange, AC30, Hiwatt, Bassman 59....etc. Even solid state ones like Jazz chorus.