Real deal?

Im getting to much sms abt it. You guys can ask to the number that I've bring forward..
I myself am confused abt this thing...:)
just to add on a couple more.
big block inlays always have ebony boards - that looks like rosewood.
also the pic of the fret board isnt that great, but i dont seem to see any fret nib ends which on a gibson with binding usually means its not a gibson.
Wildchild: good on you for responding to the thread. looks like you're an upstanding chap so no worries, we know you're selling in good faith. do tell your friend to come clean about this instrument!

i think its ok to sell a replica so long as its clearly stated as such. im not going to go into the whole fake vs replica debate... but i suppose as long as you arent asking original price for a replica, and everyone knows its not the real deal, then i say fair play. your views might differ.
Anyway to Wildchild, i meant no harm in starting this thread yeah? All in good faith. Just don't know too much on Gibsons to make any judgements and wouldn't want to make a wrong decision. Yup.
Well, at least the seller is being honest in saying that he is not too entirely sure of what he is selling for his friend. =3 Good one bro.

Whatever the case is, you don't mind just asking your friend and then amending the thread a little? Then perhaps we can come to a conclusion and end this thread, and perhaps your friend can find a buyer
Haha this guitar got my attention when I was checking out the buy/sell.

Pretty much everything has been mentioned. Take note of the horns, the pickguard screws showing (visible on the top of the pickguard) and the dodgy headstock (which is not completely open-book).

It didn't cause too much of an alarm for me, because of the low asking price. Any self-respecting enthusiast would know that it is nothing but a copy.

Too bad we cannot comment on the WTS thread itself.
I certainly hope that no newbies buy it and think that they have scored a good deal for an authentic Gibson.
Why not just ask your friend to register for a SOFT account and sell it himself? 8)

It's a her. I have no idea why but she just ask me to help out.

Wildchild: good on you for responding to the thread. looks like you're an upstanding chap so no worries, we know you're selling in good faith. do tell your friend to come clean about this instrument!

i think its ok to sell a replica so long as its clearly stated as such. im not going to go into the whole fake vs replica debate... but i suppose as long as you arent asking original price for a replica, and everyone knows its not the real deal, then i say fair play. your views might differ.

Yeah, I'm just helping my friend's out about it. So yup, I have no worries on responding on the thread.
I myself not a gibson user and don't really fancy gibbys. That's the reason why I don't know the diff between authentic or replicas. If I knew about it, I will tell thus I just post what I've been told to post.
Hope you guys understand:)

It's a her. I have no idea why but she just ask me to help out.

Yeah, I'm just helping my friend's out about it. So yup, I have no worries on responding on the thread.
I myself not a gibson user and don't really fancy gibbys. That's the reason why I don't know the diff between authentic or replicas. If I knew about it, I will tell thus I just post what I've been told to post.
Hope you guys understand:)


Hmm perhaps u can ask ur friend to affirm its not an authentic one? Thanks
For a start, the guitar was sold not according to the specifications as stated in your advertisement and this is considered as fraud. I do hope your friend understand the seriousness of the consequences. My sis has just spoken with the police and we are taking this up legally. If you do not help me, you will be seen as her accomplice for a fact that the transaction was done at both your presence, not to mention that the advertisement was put up by you.

If you do not wish to blow this matter out of proportion, I'd suggest that you tell her to call me right away, return me my money and I will not pursue further on this matter legally.