anyone ever notice it seems so much easier to play on a multi-fx unit ?
no idea why, but when i was using a zoom707 last time it took virtually no effort at all.
den after switching to analog ...
"WAH ~! So many mistakes ~!"
From what i've read the posts you posted in SOFT, i would like to try it in my 3 drive pedals & listen how it sounds. I have not purchase 1 yet. So in any case if i dont like the stock SD1, What mods do you recomend? Whats the difference between Symetrical & Assymetrical? I know SD1 is Assymetrical. But what the hell are they???Thanks
Hi randolf! i was hoping whether you could offer me some advice on amps. I have been caught up with this situation with some time now, cannot really find a way to settle it. Basically now I use a cube30 as my amp and I run a GT-8 through the clean channel(yes, it sounds abit weird). I am able to get some decent sounds out of it but however, when I bring my effects to be used in studios, mainly Lcube which uses Crate half-stacks if i am not wrong.. it sounds totally different from what I hear at home on my cube30.. so i get frustrated moments at studios as you can see. I was thinking it was the different between the cube30 which is a practice amp or a combo amp and the crates which are stacks? I dunno whether this is right. Are there any amps which you can recemmend me which will solve this situation? Like I will be able to get sounds somewhat close to each other at home and in the studio..hope you can help me with it
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I've read your reply at soft. I will try to get a 2nd hand
SD1 & play around with it. Anything i don like about it, i'll bring to you.
But i would like to A/b ts9/808 whatever with SD1. See when you're free,
i'll drop by your place. Thanks