Randolf Arriola (embryo) Guitar Gear 101

Multieffector units basically put most if not all that one would need in drive pedals and modulations wants and needs and now even amp and speaker simulations. To go one up some will even include the novelty of a preamp tube with back lit led to give you that warm orange glow mojo look.

Multieffects work best in the hands of players who'v developed an understanding of how individual stomps work and intergrate with other pedals to create the desired tonal effect. However, for the uninitiated the manufacturers include as many factory presets that are hopefully useable for the masses . This is done in anticipation of users getting confused by all the built in options and hidden functions.So what I'm saying is that Multieffectors can and do sound good but like all other components of the guitar rig it really depends on te individual.

Most of what I can imagine or hope for in multieffects over the years have now become reality. There are still certain areas which have yet to be included which i'm awaiting, anticipating with bated breath. Let's see what happens. :)
Nebo wrote;
anyone ever notice it seems so much easier to play on a multi-fx unit ?
no idea why, but when i was using a zoom707 last time it took virtually no effort at all.
den after switching to analog ...
"WAH ~! So many mistakes ~!"

Many of the multieffectors have a built in limiter circuit at the end of the drive circuits to prevent ugly digital clipping at the modulations and delays sections. Also because most multieffectors are digital in nature what happens is your guitar signal has to be converted to digital for internal processing in the multieffector before being reconverted back to analog to send to the outputs. The digital resolution is critical because it determines the maximum headroom (loudness).
A common problem faced by new users of amp and speaker simulator devices is the option anxiety of having so many choices of amps and speaker cab combinations and not knowing why it's so hard o get a good "basic" tone. Sounds familiar? :)

The problem is usually compounded by the lack of appreciation and understanding about the interactive almost organic nature of how different drive and tone settings with the different amps and speaker combis with the same guitar will give you different tones for different musical applications.

Perhaps some of you here are facing a situation similar to or a variation of the above description. :)
From what i've read the posts you posted in SOFT, i would like to try it in my 3 drive pedals & listen how it sounds. I have not purchase 1 yet. So in any case if i dont like the stock SD1, What mods do you recomend? Whats the difference between Symetrical & Assymetrical? I know SD1 is Assymetrical. But what the hell are they??? :-) Thanks

There are a few ponts to take note of;

1. Patching Order of the stock TS9/SD1 in the 3 pedal setup. Depending on the setting of the dist and tone knob settings usuall would function well as the first or the 3rd.

2. Because the stock TS9/SD1 has the Mid Hump characteristics you'll have to take note of the other pedals tonal characteristics especially the low end side of things. Settings and application are critical as the TS9/SD1 can either sweeten or choke the overall sound especially when placed after a bottom heavy Dist pedal like a modded DS1 or RAT.

3. Amp type used is also critical. Solid State or Full Tube Amps amps will sound and react differently so do experiment with the pedal in different patch order and settings to see what suits best with the amp.

Mods come into play when you know what you're going for and have identified the ideal placement and settings of the pedal and just want a little more or less of the amount and character of the drive and tonal characteristics.

The stock TS9/808 uses Symetrical clipping diodes to shape the distortion character of the drive which gives that smooth sweet character it's know for. The stock SD1 uses Assymetrical clipping diode configuration to emulate the clipping characteristics of tubes where the upper and lower wave of a saturating signal shows different added harmonics on an oscillocsope.
Hi randolf! i was hoping whether you could offer me some advice on amps. I have been caught up with this situation with some time now, cannot really find a way to settle it. Basically now I use a cube30 as my amp and I run a GT-8 through the clean channel(yes, it sounds abit weird). I am able to get some decent sounds out of it but however, when I bring my effects to be used in studios, mainly Lcube which uses Crate half-stacks if i am not wrong.. it sounds totally different from what I hear at home on my cube30.. so i get frustrated moments at studios as you can see. I was thinking it was the different between the cube30 which is a practice amp or a combo amp and the crates which are stacks? I dunno whether this is right. Are there any amps which you can recemmend me which will solve this situation? Like I will be able to get sounds somewhat close to each other at home and in the studio..hope you can help me with it

This is a common problem faced by many players coupling a multieffector with built in amp/spkr simultaor with an amp with built in simulations. The speakers used in Amps with built in simulation is different from standard guitar amps because amp simulation works best with "full range" speakers which is equivalent to the full frequency range of speakers used in Keyboard amps, Bass amps, acoustic amps and PA systems.

Combining a multieffector with the built in amp/speaker simultor on into the input of a standard amp will sometimes result in interesting mid humpy super thick tones but you'll run into trouble when trying to play at a much louder volume and with the band at the rehearsal studio or outdoor venue because the sound just doesn't cut through from the sever loss of low end oomph and top end bite. Physical size of the speaker and cab also plays a major part in shaping the overal sound. So with most users of multieffector with amp/spkr simul this becomes a compounded problem tweak fest that never seems to end. The music and playing unfortunately takes the back seat.


1. Tweak and tweak and experiment till u understand the different sounds you get from different configurations of amps.

2. Email me to make an appointment for "Guitar Amp 101"

Try your best with wat you have and can. Contact me when it still doesn't make any sense. Good luck.

Randolf, u can start a 1-800-Randolf hotline and earn money on the adverts while ppl wait for you to "attend to them shortly". :lol:
Randolf, u can start a 1-800-Randolf hotline and earn money on the adverts while ppl wait for you to "attend to them shortly".

(1800-7869659). Randolf, register it at Singtel now!!!

Nice num!! Gotta buy 4D!!!!
I've read your reply at soft. I will try to get a 2nd hand
SD1 & play around with it. Anything i don like about it, i'll bring to you.
But i would like to A/b ts9/808 whatever with SD1. See when you're free,
i'll drop by your place. Thanks

I have an old stock Japanese TS9 that u cud A/b with the stock SD1 and also a modded TS7 and SD1 to test run to find what suits you best. Contact me for Guitar ahem... "69" soon.

Tanx for the wonderful support and enquiries. :)

Guitar Gear 101 is a 2 hour private tutorial session involving things guitar gear related, You may choose a general overview or close focus on Guitars electronics, Analog, Digital, Tube, Modelling and Guitar Synthesis Technology, Power Attenuation, Speakers, Cab etc.

Email me for further enquiries and also let me know if there's a particular area about guitar gear that you'd like to enquire further about. :)

Yes! There are mods for rectifying/improving the volume drop and tonal loss with the Line6 DL4, MM4 and FM4 pedals!

Hi lovelies!
It was a hectic week but I'm ok and I hope the same for you. :)

Ok, Lately, there's been more than a few gripes about the Line 6 pedals especially about the very popular DL4(which I love btw :) The most common complaint is the much voiced 'bout complaint about the loss of level and darkening of the overall sound of the guitar the moment the DL4 or smilar Line6 Pedal is introduced to the guitar signal chain.

Email me @ randolf@embryosongs.com for further enquiries and details if you or your buddy in the band( or rival band) would like to consider improving the pedal before deciding upon selling/trading off these wonderful Line6 pedals.

Regarding Speakers recommended for amps;

1. If you are a modern kinda player who wants consistent strong sharp attack without any flubbiness in the low end, chosse amps that come with speakers that are of the same wattage as the tube amp or higher if you want absolutely no speaker distortion.

2. If you are a fan of classic era blues rock and hard rock/ classic metal tones look for amps that come with speakers that are equipped with either Celestion V30's or Greenbacks (for best results) or compatible specs from other brands out there if cost is the issue.

Speakers make a big difference (imho bigger differernce) in the shaping of the amp's overall tone.

Tubes, Tubes, Tubes! Vacuum, Tube, Thermionic Valves... Rectifiers, Pre Amp, Phase Inverters andf Power Amp tubes tubes tubes...

I would like to discuss about this thing called "Tubes, Valves". if anybody out there has interests to exchange tots, experiences and info about ths voodoo piece of technology tat just refuses to go away. :)
...but of cos! YES! :)

Power Amp section tubes is I feel the most under rated and often overlooked tube tone which is imho where ther real "voodoo/mojo" tone is!

Probably it's an Asian thing but because we generally don't own our own luxurious garages to jam out and play loud at home or at the rehearsal studios we were always relying on distortion from stomp drive pedals and pre amp tubes.

The Japanese are in my opinion the 1st in Asia to truly understand what the West...and ACDC down under knew all along that it's there! Tone is there, within the glowing heat of the Power Tubes! :)