Radio Stations don't make the cut these days?


New member
Any thoughts on these?
With the fast-pace technology, people rely on MP3 and recommendations from friends. But sometimes, radio airplays are where people 'heard' of a particular band, which well, led them to download or perhaps buy the artiste's album.

I used to listen to Jamie Yeo on Say It With Music, which was then continued by the sweet voice of Carrie Chong... Now we have the Muttons... I would say, they added a little bit of good stuff on the radio with their hilarious jokes.

How would radio stations fare in the coming years? It's probably declining...

Oh yea, side track! I used to have this big idea of starting a radio station for Metalheads... Don't think the government would allow...
I only listened to 98.7 back then only because of Carrie Chong. Haha. She's got such a sweet and manja voice lah!! Makes me steam whenever she giggles!!

Not to be a spoil sport, but I find the 'Muttons' very un-amusing. I'm forced to listen to 98.7 because at my workplace, the radio cannot be turned off!!
Perhaps it's 50-50... Some of The Muttons joke can be rather lame that you don't see yourself laughing at it...

Well, to add on, I prefer Power 98 these days. 98.7 plays too much R&B and pop-punk...
Whereas, Power 98 have a strong focus on Rock.
Next year, new FM station will be born.

To set up FM radio you need alot of THOUSANDS of dollars. Royalty fees etc. Email Mediacorp.
No lah, I DON'T WANT, I want my own time slot and go on air presenting everybody's daily dose of speed metal songs!
Starting a metal radio station costs money, BUT IF YOU EVER START ONE, GET ME INTO IT!

I think Metal deserve recognition just like any other genres. If Metal radio stations were ever considered but rejected due to explicit language, then i will want rap and R&B to get out... They are to commercialised. Besides, 50cents and Britney are already bad influences...
yea, hey inferno, if you're serious about this, I don't mind getting into it as well after my As, get a few other guys as well, then we'll plan out costs and everything.
listen to radio for 10 years and you realise it's declining

listen to radio for 20 years and you realise it's been shit all along
It ought to be a career the moment we start out...
Hm... But I am nuts about this 'starting a radio station' thingy...
And no, I don't want to sign to Mediacorp unless Felicia Chin becomes one of my DJs (if only she listens to metal...)
yes, felicia chin is metal, is rock, is pop, is soul, is everything. No music also nevermind

for having a space in radio frequency and free to air. Heh, can basically forget about it. Internet radio station is a more realistic option.

For passion to start a metal station, go here
Will the government ever let a radio station air metal channel?

I mean, I'd heard of Ria playing a little of alternative metal. But that's all.
I mean, I'd heard of Ria playing a little of alternative metal. But that's all.

Are you talking about the metal program hosted by Brother Bo? I wouldn't consider the songs alternative metal, really. Is Kreator and Morbid Angel alternative metal?