eieio - looks like the chicken rice is yours this month![]()
obzervr everyone here who participated is a winner
RicFreak still got time for next round so cannot bluff.. hehe
marlonmm sorry man tex mex no have, next mth i sponsor over-wounded old squire pup can? ; p
it doesnt matter who gets 1 or 10, its the work & effort that counts..
common guys give ourselves a pat in the back, we are here to learn from each other
and of course share our pride & joy.. guys send in more entries & lets make the next pgotm a memorable one!
I totally agree with that. It's not how much people like your guitar that counts. It's how much you LOVE your guitar that counts. At the end of the day, every DIY here is proud to tell you, this is MY guitar. U prolly wont find another one, at least in singapore. LOL.
yeah that's the spirit!
me so happy, i just got a pass for tomorrow night.. yahooooooooooo
i trade it with my blazer...
with u top up sgd500 and a stout
letzz go munn, ezpect the unezpected.. hehe
actually i also dont know what to expect coz itz been a long time since my last lolapalooza...
eieio's got my vote.
Thats effort right there.
it's one thing to buy parts and to assemble them but it's a whole new ball game when you bring one back to life. Good Refurbishing job bro!
5 more days to the new month.
Vote Now!