Please spare the lives of lives of three sterilised cats

i already have 2 cats big headache already... that day my cat " MAKAN TULANG" literally ate a wishbone of a fish and got stuck... = $400 dollars..

so guys, help control the pet population, have ur pets spayed or neutered. - Bob from THE PRICE IS RIGHT.

i haven't spayed my cat though.
My parents recently adopted a blind in one eye abandoned kitten that was stuck in the middle of the road divider in heavy traffic meowing pathetically.

Six month later - he's one happy (though still blind in one eye) kitty living the life of luxury in fgl's parent's home.

My mother in law adopted 4 kittens a few years back

I myself adopted a kittten a few years back (found and saved from some dogs by my ex secretary) - he lived a long & glorious life...

Dont send them to SPCA ...adopt them ...

Those stray cats are predators and eat a lot of wildlife, especially birds. Ever wonder why you only ever see myna birds and crows? In Singapore, 61 of the 91 known forest-bird species have died out.

why handphones ar? *blur* anyway, yea, i rarely see many species of birds anymore which were quite common in SG. anyone seen any lately? they used to be so common..not sure if the cats are really to blame la..


The yellow vented bulbul



Spotted neck dove


Pink neck green pigeon


Black naped oriole


Asian glossy starling
cats are not to be blamed by the decrease in rainforest birds. thats a stupid claim to make...

1) cats are known to only jump 2 lengths of their body so i think birds can fly higher lah...

2) u see so little cats around that they hardly even bother to disturb the number of birds in our country.

so another factor of these nice birds not flying around is = HUMANS!!

U SEE ahpeks and uncles collecting birds and keeping them in cages... now that's really cruel IMHO. Birds have wings so they could fly around, roam around and migrate or whatever they do. They are a pleasant site for the eyes to devour so it's a good thing...

But humans have capture them, sell them and made them sing in gatherings... it's a really sad thing.. so can't blame them...

But that's nature, u can't disturb them... u can disturb their foodchain.
widdly's claim is kinda ridiculous yet funny. Cats eat a lot of wildlife? Where you hear that? So the cats ate the 61 species of birds from our forests? nonsense.
oh btw.. CATS DON'T EAT BIRDS.. they simply kill it for the fun of it...

u see wild cats like the lions and the tigers, u don't see them eat birds.. haha

yeap his claim is really2 funny.
Actually they do...some wild cats in dunno which country, not tigers or lions...just wild cats... And the way they jump to catch low flying birds in slo-mo was graceful..saw it on some documentary.
You've got a point, but I don't think cats are solely to blame for birds' disappearance. I attribute it more to climate and enviromental changes mainly from humans' doing. For small mammals, we cant help that they can't fly away like birds to escape danger, But its a good thing if they keep the rat population in check right? Unless you love rats la.
the extinction of 8 island bird species in New Zealand

the killing of 300 million animals, of which 75 million are birds, according to The Mammal Society of England.
Dick Peterson, a bluebird expert and designer of the

oh wow that's intense. i've seen cats here eating sparrows before, no joke.
too late ?

I dunno if this is too late but...i just came across the topic.
I've also signed the petition. Being the #871 person to do it.

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