Please spare the lives of lives of three sterilised cats


New member
an exerpt of a message at my multiply site:

Dear friends,

I have just read and signed the online petition: "Please spare the lives of lives of three sterilised cats at Blk 875 Yishun St 81, Singapore" hosted on the web by, the free online petition service, at:

If you love cats like I do please sign this petition.

I signed on behalf of my boyfriend, my whole family and my uncle’s family.

Based on some survey conducted on a handful of people from my block (a neighbouring blk of the abovementioned one), only 2 idiots wanted to put the cats to sleep. And those in authority are acting based on the minority.

I was told by an activist, Helga ( that the RC chairman of my area has been lamenting about these stray cats pooping on the void decks and shitting on his car (

Ok I have heard many many silly stuff in the past 2 weeks and this couldn’t be any sillier.

Fact No. 1: Cats are clean creatures. They shit only when there is soil/earth/dirt so that they can bury their poo. They are more dignified and civilized than dogs.

Fact No. 2: Cats may laze on cars, sunbath on cars and probably scratch the car paint but they would never SHIT on vehicles. They do not possess bird brains.

This nincompoop RC chairman must have not known the existence of dogs. Or birds. If anyone or anything should be killed, it should be those irresponsible dog owners who never clean up after their dog walks and/or the millions of stupid birds that live on trees. NOT cats!

I feel that if anyone is to be blamed, it should be humans. Besides those dog owners, cat lovers should also do their part to deter rodents from holding any possible merry–making parties.

Cat lovers should do their bit to ensure that they feed the strays near/close dustbins or rubbish chutes so as to contain the rodents in an area and not randomly on common areas such as lift landings or playgrounds. This is not to say that cats should be fed at "dirty" places. When I do feed the strays, I make sure that it's done in an area where i wont litter or dirty common spaces.

These stray cats are already sterilized in the first place so how can they actually breed??? And it has been proven that killing cats doesn’t reduce the number of strays thus education is the way to go. It is soo barbaric and uncivilized to go on a killing spree! There has to be a more humane way!

I was shocked to realize that the cats in mention are the stray cats of my area. My area is relatively clean and well-maintained. And I dunt think those in my block would collectively agree to the killing of stray cats since these cats bond the community together. And to act based on the consensus of 2 pathetic votes? I find that lame and unjust.

The cats in my areas are also generally adorably lovable. They would follow you up the lift if you call them towards you! How can you bear to let something that harmless die?

Let the cats live up to their proverbial nine lives!

So pretty please sign the petition.

Thank you.

Sincerely, Me xx

Taken by Diva's post.

So please guys.. help sign the petition!!
marcdadrummer, please be careful of the language you use in your post. edit away any comment that might get you into trouble. we dont want that to happen.

living in a community takes alot of patience and tolerance. some people like cats, some dont. solution? let those who like cats take care of the cats.
Hey yar better watch what u post. cctv's everywhere... ...sorry no cure... better edit it so that it sounds, neutral... yeah that's the word...
HIS post? - it look like he cut and pasted the message ?

Anyways... from what I feel, we humans have to start remembering that WE ARE ANIMALS too... we are part of the cycle of life on earth despite being the dominant species

unfortunately, as the SPCA radio ad says - the strays gonna be put down, regardlesss of species.

Seems to me that many people are anti cats though.

I love ALL SPECIES, all animls deserve to live and not killed for humankind's convinience or territorial rights...

Its time to stop PUSSY footing around ppl!

Why would people want to kill 3 lovely kittens? Men are very selfish. Its always about us and what we want and dont give a damn about anything else but ourselves. Those two who approved the killing of the kittens are just plain retard........Two poor excuse of human being. It is very sad.... :cry:
there's no malicious items in my 1st post. Most of it i copy paste from a message board at my multiply site....

and im GOING FOR the petition, not against.. so it's rather an appropriate post.. plus IT's NOT MINE!!! I CREDITED SOMEONE IN THE BOTTOM PART!!!

thanks guys!!.. they deserve to live too.. :D
marcdadrummer, "copy and distribute" makes you accountable.

i will edit it for you since you dont see the problem.
my dream is to have a black cat


and an orange cat


and have them pose next to a '51 p bass

The cats around my school area, Toa Payoh, never fail to amuse me and make me happy before I get to school while walking.
and its so nice to see a cat lazing about.
and cats resting with their eyes closed but they're not sleeping.
You know how they "terminate" those cats?
They put a bunch of them in a feet of water, than put in a live wire in.
Putting them to sleep via the jab cost at least $40 per cat.