Photo (gear) gallery 2008

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Well, I heard about the 2nd grade thing too - how the US, or bigger markets, get the nicer stuff and smaller markets like us get the lesser stuff.

Its not about photography because looking at what Davis has to offer thru out the years, the tops have never struck me as awesome as what I find online in terms of pattern, book matching, consistency, etc etc.
its not that we get the 2nd grade stuff.
its just that in US, the high volume dealers etc, get invited to go to the gibson factory to handpick the guitars they want before they are shipped out.
the PRS guitars we get have relatively unimpressive tops compared to what I see on TGP no?
I've seen very impressive and very underwhelming tops on TGP in equal measure.

I was in the US last week and visited a Guitar Center store. It had plenty of PRS guitars, all with a bunch of uninspiring tops.

Nothing to do with geography, and I reckon it's just the sheer volume that you see in TGP that are posted from the US that skews your view on things.

I highly doubt that someone at PRS is saying 'hey - a shit top - let's ship that out of the mainland!'. it's just not worth the effort for them.

For the record, that blue singlecut has a very nice top let down by some crappy photography. :)
I think I need to take photography lessons.... I made my singlecut look like sh*t..... ;)

No dude. Your pic, as well as your guitar, look perfectly alright, at least to me. Thats soemthing you have earned. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Dont feel sad about what people says about your thing.
Nothing to do with geography, and I reckon it's just the sheer volume that you see in TGP that are posted from the US that skews your view on things. :)

That would be interesting. Perhaps it is so. Though a local dealer did comment (complain/lament) along the lines of what Everdying mentioned - we don't get the cream of the crop.

Funny how others (or maybe its just ripper ;)) think I'm bashing a particular guitar when I'm the guy who doesn't a hoot about looks - its how it plays/sounds/feels that matters.

Be happy with what you got - looks good, fine, doesn't look too good, fine - just be happy.
Just completed project - 2pc Ash body rbm wannabe :)


nice one! where did you get the body from?

If I can recall correctly, user reviews says that the lower RBM models had thin bottoms due to the cutout and only the original RBM using "fill in the blanks" wood was better.

Did you notice this with the Ash body?
If I can recall correctly, user reviews says that the lower RBM models had thin bottoms due to the cutout and only the original RBM using "fill in the blanks" wood was better.

Even Reb himself mentioned only the original RBM models (RBM-1 or something, the koa bodied ones) was good enough...
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