Photo (gear) gallery 2008

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here are some of my babies


(l-r cij fender jazzmaster, cij fender jaguar, mij fender mustang, gibson sg special, rickenbacker 330/12, gibson sg standard)

p.s. big up mr hub4thailand for 2 of the guitars shown there
Hey, nice guitars.
Just a question, seeing you have both gibson sg special and standard.
Which do you prefer and why? :D

Not sure if its based on anything; it doesn't sound as all like a Marshall or Mesa. Its got a very dry, dark and tight distortion character.
And my USA Custom Guitars, Indian Rosewood 25" scale neck is in. Mock it up and HOOOOOOOOOOOO.... HARD GAY APPROVESSS HOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!




the body will either get a Anderson inspired Bora bora burst or a tanahseng inspired hard gay pink burst... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
the body will either get a Anderson inspired Bora bora burst or a tanahseng inspired hard gay pink burst... HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

My vote goes to the Pink Burst! I will get you some pink spandex to go along with that

The guitar really looks damn nice, esp the neck. Very very boooteeeekkk looking.
Looks like a luthier's progress :) Like when they release pictures of the guitar over time from start to finish, because most small-shop luthiers do that.
Forget about pinkburst man.. How bout a PaGiu-beng (Milo) Burst??!! or a Trans-DiaoHerr (Greenish Gold)??!!! Super uber cool chio chio local boootick color scheme!! Dio lah - must nine-thro finish also!
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