I have been lurking around long enough... but was always too lazy to take a pic of my rig. After my recent cleaning out of my gear here we go:
poorly taken pic with bad lighting, but that's my rig: A Carvin DC-150 (i think that's the model, can remember), my Gibson ES-335 Dot (standard) and a soon-to-be-sold MIK Fender Lite-Ash Telecaster which passes through my pedalboard and into my Laney LC-15R amp (which i hand-carried from HK).
A better pic:
My board:
It starts with an RMC-2 Wah -> digitech synth wah(fun stuff, but little practical use) -> mxr phase-90 -> Zvex Vexter Fuzz Factory -> Teese Comp (the same dude that makes RMC wahs) -> Keeley Modded Boss BD2 -> Edder's magic box -> MI Audio Crunchbox -> Dr Scientist Trem -> Boss Ce-2 Chorus -> DOD Fx90 Analog Delay -> Ibanez De-7 digital delay
and of course in the corner, a boss tuner
It is, as shown in the picture, powered by a voodoo labs pp2+ unit. This allows me to provide more headroom for my chorus and fx90 delay which requires slightly more than 9 volts to sound optimal. The pedalboard is also connected using George L's - and they have made a hell of a difference in providing clarity to my tone.
I've also got a BF-2 which is not pictured, as i would like to sell it off or trade it for a PH-2
For practice, I use my Line6 PocketPod which i plug my ipod and earphones into.

poorly taken pic with bad lighting, but that's my rig: A Carvin DC-150 (i think that's the model, can remember), my Gibson ES-335 Dot (standard) and a soon-to-be-sold MIK Fender Lite-Ash Telecaster which passes through my pedalboard and into my Laney LC-15R amp (which i hand-carried from HK).
A better pic:

My board:

It starts with an RMC-2 Wah -> digitech synth wah(fun stuff, but little practical use) -> mxr phase-90 -> Zvex Vexter Fuzz Factory -> Teese Comp (the same dude that makes RMC wahs) -> Keeley Modded Boss BD2 -> Edder's magic box -> MI Audio Crunchbox -> Dr Scientist Trem -> Boss Ce-2 Chorus -> DOD Fx90 Analog Delay -> Ibanez De-7 digital delay
and of course in the corner, a boss tuner
It is, as shown in the picture, powered by a voodoo labs pp2+ unit. This allows me to provide more headroom for my chorus and fx90 delay which requires slightly more than 9 volts to sound optimal. The pedalboard is also connected using George L's - and they have made a hell of a difference in providing clarity to my tone.
I've also got a BF-2 which is not pictured, as i would like to sell it off or trade it for a PH-2
For practice, I use my Line6 PocketPod which i plug my ipod and earphones into.