Photo album 2010 (Guitar gear)

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OMG! Is this the Collector's Choice #1 Melvyn Franks VOS 1959?

Yup it is :)


and here's my other catch, an R8 last year.

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and here's my other catch, an R8 last year.


Dude! You just increased my GAS level another 5 notches. :p
That's bad.......really bad......:(

Good choice to leave PG/GM without pickguard, the grains are awesome. BTW, your R8 also sweeeee Man!
Yup it is :)


and here's my other catch, an R8 last year.


Dude, really cool stuff! I bet that cost you a bomb. Why didn't you go for the Murphy's Aged?

BTW, where did you get them from? Cos I'm looking for an R8. Care to PM me?

Hahaha... for practice purposes, it's actually alright, if you're too stuck on an absolute tone.

Needed something to keep my parents from bugging me every time I step on the Seventheaven...
I do a similar thing in camp. Tele into a BYOC Mouse (RAT clone) into AC30 Amplug and then a X-Mini MAX II.. Sounds great considering the size of the X-mini!
Updated: New toys!!

1. Blackstar HT Studio 20H

No headphones output and an email to blackstar received no response. However, that said, I plugged the emulated speaker outs into my soundcard and can now practice with my headphones. In-built reverb is a nice touch. Needless to say, it's one of those investments I don't regret!!

2. Suhr Shiba Drive

Amazing drive pedal. Inspiring imho. Went looking for the Riot today and understand it's sold out, not just locally, but globally. Next shipment probably in August, but no promises...sigh...

Kekekeke... if i had the money i would grab that HSS guitar heheh.

Anyway yea hows the shiba? Would like to hear this.

Try ebay for the riot?
Thanks guys.

@jms - love the shiba. I've owned and sold OCD, DS-1 (mod), Crunchbox, Toadworks etc. but then again, we all know sound is subjective so the age old adage one man's meat is another's poison applies equally here. it's got clarity and goes equally well with my strat or LP. The tone knob gives a pretty useful range, gentle and subtle yet effective. hope i am making sense. only thing is i can't quite tell the diff with the filter switch as yet...hmm...

that said, i guess the perfect pair for me (for now...we know how it is with toys...heh) would be the Shiba and the Riot together. i heard Suhr's coming out with a Chorus as well...but then that was since Jan? hehe.
To be honest i find that the riot was suhrs breakthrough into the pedal market. Ever thought of the Koko Boost instead of the shiba? I've seen the boost go pretty quickly from tgp but not so the shiba..

Yea there was some notification of the suhr chorus. Tri stereo functions. Wow wonder who needs that :/
no i haven't actually. but i am sure in time to come, more new toys will come along and the Shiba will have to make way. hehehe. as for chorus, think i will just settle for something from EHX, MXR or Boss! Suhr's chorus would prob cost an arm, a leg and a bareknuckle pup...
Im using the riot man and i havent regretted the investment since.

Really nice toy. You're in the east too right hmmz hahah..
Chorus wise im using a MXR Black Label CHorus positioned before my drives.
If you're looking for getting that 80s tone with a mellow chorus that doesnt over react with drive settings that can easily do it.
Might wanna check the omnicron malekko chorus too. Lesser Options though
that is interesting. and where did you get the black label from may I ask? been looking for it but can't find it locally.

and yeah, eastie my whole life...!
oh i had a friend who was ordering stuff from so i ordered it from there and split shipping with him.

Theres a tonefactor mass order thread made recently. Dunno if its still active or not :/ Could try shipping with the other softys.

Another alternative is the Hardwire Chorus though i dont find it as organic as the black label
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