Photo album 2010 (Guitar gear)

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Haha no dude my comment was based on purely cosmetic judgements. I've not played an R7 nor a non R7 Les Paul Custom so I cannot pick a guitar based on tone. Anyway I might just prefer an R9 since you mentioned "a huge fist of tone hitting you square in the face" which is not really my kinda Les Paul thing.

I know for a fact that your Les Paul is an R7 for the exact points you stated.

I'm saying from my point of view that the bursts on the R8s and R9s are much more appealing to me compared to the solid colour finishes of gold or black that the R7s have.
Anyway I might just prefer an R9 since you mentioned "a huge fist of tone hitting you square in the face" which is not really my kinda Les Paul thing.

Tell me about it. It's nice, actually. But I can't help but feel like I've transformed my lowly chambered standard into a historic killer...:twisted:

I'll see what I can squeeze out of this R7... Honestly, it DOES feel like a superior guitar... Until you plug it in. The natural resonance and sustain are amazing.

I think some Skatterbrane + RS Guitarworks magic is needed to turn this Black Beauty into Black Magic Woman!!!!:twisted::twisted:

Why? because I sense that this make of Custom actually is what contributes to that grindy searing tone you hear from Santana's old recordings (pre-PRS). It has that inherent sizzle now already. Just figuring out how to hone it best.
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i just love snsd too much. they have shown me a totally new dimension towards playing the guitar [this sentence sounds so weird that me myself don't understand it fully]. playing their songs' melody on the guitar is just so fun especially the ballads such as those from their 'oh!' album eg. 'forever', 'star star star' etc.. the vibratos, the bendings, pickup positions, picking dynamics all have to be perfected to suit the mood of the songs! very catchy rhythm as well unlike chinese pop which all songs, really all songs sound the same now!

i'm off playing some 'oh!' and 'gee'. maybe some 'genie' as well. this 'mod' really enhances my playing. my guitar sounds so much like taeyeon now. add a bit more presence and it becomes jessica.
me thinks taeyeon has the strongest vocals there! lol got any videos of urself or not?? i've seen some gutiar covers of their songs damn shiok one! :twisted:
my band did an instrumental cover for gee before. we did the 1st part in a sort of bebop jazz way then the 2nd part hard rock with extended keyboard + guitar solos. wait till i finish my exams and see if i can record or not. am now thinking of an arrangement for genie. should have it done way before this since oh and run devil run are the main hits now. maybe a medley of all their hit songs like gee, genie, oh and maybe run devil run?
Just got this Biyang Ad-10 Delay pedal a few days ago. Nice warm analog and great budget delay pedal.

It's always nice when the postman arrives with a parcel. Always gives me that warm tingling feeling. " letter boxes don't count cause they are always filled with bills to pay" hehehe

Nice score mark!
White tolex is always a turn on.
Na werewolf, I waited one whole damn year man see the previous page ..
Got it from Bogner Custom Shop (local voltage)... And yeah.... His name is waffles And he is the guardian of my wall of doom ... Ha ..

Kerplunk ... That's a damn awesome website la haha
Holy crap, what a sweet rig. Do you run your amps in stereo or just pick and choose which to play? Also, how are your walls still intact??
yes, the guardian let's me play once in awhile

I'm planning on ordering a Mills Acoustic cab ... Or mod my orange into stereo ... At the moment one at the time .... My walls may be in tact but my neighbours aren't ... Haha
What breed is your cat Marc? Some Gearmancat, gearcatdude.. Catmandude.. or Waffl-itis.

One thing you have not mentioned? How does that monster sound!?!
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