Pedalboard Pictures!

Hi All,

my setup. Anyone interested of the boutique Option 5 pedals sms me 8118 4552 as I still have some of them here with me from my last order.

Pedal board order

1. TC Electronics Polytune
2. MXR Noise Clamp
3. Wampler Ego Compressor
4. Option 5 Bump booster
5. Option 5 Overdrive 2
6. Wampler Triple Wreck Distortion
7. Option 5 Destination Rotation Single
8. Option 5 Stereo Phaser
9. Option 5 Destination Delay X2

It is very compact and stable, no pop sounds whatever when u switch.

this is how i hook it up

AC,TUNER --> before input ( my ac is always on )
PSIDI, REEZA, TL2 (all gain pedals) ---> loop A
Flash back , Vortex , Verbzilla ---> loop B
Echo , RC , MK 4.23 ---> after output ( mk 4.23 always on)

what i like about this when you step on bypass , only the pedals before input and after output will be active.

when im on Loop A or Loop B , i can still use my pedals before the input and after the output.

im not using the clean/tuner channel at the moment , but u can actually hook it up to another amp for a completely clean tone + all the pedals before the input ( pedals after the output will be not active, Loop A + B will not be active too)

Fallout Labs Buffer Interface(with switcheable input and output buffers), Vertex Axis Wah, Himmelstrutz Gramps+, XTS Preamp, Dr Scientist Tremolessence, Dr Scientist RRR, Deep Blue Delay, Turbo Tune ST-200 tuner, Cioks DC10.

Pedalboard: NYC Pedalboard(customized 18" x 18")

Patch Cables: Bullet Slugs and Cables.
With shipping and handling, the pedalboard's total is 325usd. The shipping costs almost 100usd. Ouch indeed! haha.

I still need to change the wiring to power cables that are of exact length from power supply to pedals to avoid bundling excess wires like that. Haven't bought the complete materials needed for that yet.
Aye okay, nice! that's a sweet set up haha. Thats one of the reasons why i like pedaltrain boards, being able to hide the mess below and then use cable ties to tidy it up without it being seen.

Looking for another board for my axe fx II rig though. Need one to put my MFC 101 midi foot controller, an EB volume pedal and a mission engineering expression pedal.

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