Here's my pedalboard, and that chorus is easily the best chorus I've ever heard. BUT, THE DAMN FOOTSWITCH IS NOT THE MOST RELIABLE THING OUT THERE. You gotta stomp on it in a rather special way or it will disengage the chorus once you take your foot off. I kinda got it after 2 days of scratching my head at the apparent lack of reliability.
*shaddup ized I like it more than your H2O V2*
I just got the news from Paul...all the v2 needs is a simple mod and it'll sound EXACTLY like your V1. :mrgreen:
heres the latest. did some re-arranging and re-cabling.
I'm itching to downsize though.
You and Engelfaeuste have such a love hate relationship hahah I LIKE !
You and Engelfaeuste have such a love hate relationship hahah I LIKE !
Woahh boss fan!