ok, i've seen what happens when nobody turns up for a gig. it totally sucks. Lesson learnt but at least 10 tickkets won't tha be resonable? 1 band, 10 tickets, 100 bucks, and what if you have like 12+ bands performing? sure organising mix genre gigs are a great way to get new bands into the scene but i'm talking about being realistic here....
i'm sure you know how compact the scenes in s'pore are, if you have like 30+ guests coming for all the bands, wouldn't that like be too much just to squeeze into the place? thus not all of your friends can be counted on, i gurentee you out of 30, at least 28 of them will say "see first ah, if i'm free", their "see first" is priceless man....
even if you want us to sell more than that it's oredi outrages, thus we expect top quality equiptments for paying 300+ just to play onstage for 30mins.... have prefessional soundman and professional lightings too.
we are not like big bands where thousands of groupies follow us around... the most we can get is like 3-5 friends to cme and watch us. c'mon la, stop all of this outrages doings.... it's just spoilng the scene