Paintball! More specifically, SPEEDBALL!


New member
Hi everyone!

This is a thread to find out more about the awesome sport of speedball and also for anyone who would like to try out what paintball is about!

So far, I know of only two regular paintballers who are musicians: myself and the kick-ass drummer of Midnight Marvel, Lennat!


Look! Paintball makes you smile!

I'll be happy to answer queries to the best of my ability. Anyone keen to try it out, do let me know! I can organise an outing if we can get at least 8 players!
i've always wanted to try paintball!
i thought about organising a class outing but it was too expensive, and too. far. away!
HEY! Count me in! I wanna challenge the Midnight Marvellers HAHA! kidding. But do update me. Im very interested.
im interested too! haha

Btw is paintball expensive as a hobby? Was thinking of taking up paintball
hey!my band & a couple of our gig organizer frends went to the paintball place near was hella fun i tell ya but very tirring too!!lol
the place i went to charged $50 for 250pallets which i think is reasonable
but if im not wrong speedball is different then normal need to go through a course or sumting like dat in order to be able to play speedball & shoot you opponents smack frontal assault (or at the back of their head if you hold a
oh & advice is DUN taste the paint if it accidently enters your me, it tasted so bad i puked like a merlion!!haha ;p
Killerbee is who eh? HAHA. How come you know my name?

Well, 50 bucks not that bad ah! Its the time we spend having fun!

Count me in again! haha. Maybe In november if you guys are organizing ah. Im gonna show my marksmanship in this. HAHAHA! kidding!

Speedball , issit using paint? or ball? OUCH!
I've eaten a paintball before. I blame in on peer pressure and the need to be "one of the guys." :mrgreen:
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hey!my band & a couple of our gig organizer frends went to the paintball place near was hella fun i tell ya but very tirring too!!lol
the place i went to charged $50 for 250pallets which i think is reasonable
but if im not wrong speedball is different then normal need to go through a course or sumting like dat in order to be able to play speedball & shoot you opponents smack frontal assault (or at the back of their head if you hold a


Yeah you probably went to Red Dynasty which is pretty much the only place you can play speedball.

Speedball is slightly different cos you play with air bunkers and there is no centre line. Yup you have to go thru a short course in Singapore in order to be allowed by the Police to play without the line in the middle.

Paintballs are totally edible btw.

If people are keen, I'll be happy to arrange a session after the exams. When do the O Levels end?
there isnt a fixed number for a team.. if say 4, u can play 2v2.. wont be a prob.. however i think u can ask the ppl at red dynasty to play with u guys, but i dunno abt the cost if tats the case.. heh.. do try it out, its real fun.. :)
yeah the people at red dynasty are really nice but i wouldnt want to take up a challenge with them.haha.they confirm very expert wan!haha.
oh & guys i suggest u wear long sleeves if you wanna frenz & i wanted to act "macho" & was like saying "ahh!!long sleeves are for cowards!!"
now ive got a couple of scars bcuz of that.haha.but all worth the fun =D
Oh hello Wolf!!! Lang lai le!!! :mrgreen:

For rec game, it's best you make 10 person. So there can be 5 pax each team to play off each other.

Paintball is a team sport. The more the merrier. :)

You can only play skirmish games (ie: with all the different teams at the field that day) if you have gone through the Basic Tournament Orientation.
Minimum is 6 players per session at Red Dynasty. Other places, think you need to call and ask.

Meanwhile, the third leg of Singapore's first ever paintball tournament is coming up!
