Paintball! More specifically, SPEEDBALL!

well.. if ure juz playing recreational, don need la.. if playin tournament level like us then yeah u most probably should/will.. game on!! :)
haha. you buy your own also a bit expensive anyway, jsut rent it from the ppl there also cheaper :p

unless u tricked yours out to act like sniper rifle la...
as i said, if ure playin recreational pb, there's no need for any own equipment.
wat would u need? only a mask and a marker, which the pb field will provide.. for tournament level, there are other things needed to enhance our performance such as jerseys, pants and harnesses..
the uniform can be easily used - i just use my army long 4. works all the time when i play paintball. one time i used my sniper Ghille Suit and no one saw me...

oh ya. urban ops :p

yes, i'm sniper trained in army. although the suit looks like SHIT (it doesn't resemble a real ghille suit) but it worked the other time. the place i played in (can't remember where though, paiseh) had too many trees~
simple. you see how many targets have been knocked down

in paintball, rules goes like this.

you have to shoot down two targets, then grab a box from the middle and run back to your base.

the more targets are down, the more your chances of winning
theliverevolution, i assume u didnt play in sg? heh.. anyway, ure wrong.. in speedball aka tournament paintball, its capture the flag style, kill everyone if possible, then go take the opponent's flag.. :) and to sugarbird, no prob? want to know more can ask any of us.. :) cheers!
no no.. a correction.. speedball IS paintball.. however wat we're talkin at is recreational vs tournament level.. so diff rules lor.. cos recreational is for ppl to enjoy themselves, eg families, frens etc.. tournament also for enjoyin, but its like a shoot out.. fast paced.. yeah.. :) come down to RD to play la.. :)
no no.. a correction.. speedball IS paintball.. however wat we're talkin at is recreational vs tournament level.. so diff rules lor.. cos recreational is for ppl to enjoy themselves, eg families, frens etc.. tournament also for enjoyin, but its like a shoot out.. fast paced.. yeah.. :) come down to RD to play la.. :)

yea. I was in Malaysia when i last played ;3
oops. i thought paintball had the same rules as speedbal ;3

Ehhhh Just lemme clarify some misconceptions here

Paintball is just a broad generic term covering all activities utilizing paintball markers with objectives to achieve. There are two distinct types of paintball usually played:

theliverevolution was describing is a form of paintball called Woodsball where the players play outdoors, usually in a jungle area. They usually try to re-enact certain historical battles and may involve 100 or more people on each side, depending on location. Everyone wears camo gear, treks around the jungle and generally enjoy nature until you see a bunch of enemy then you shoot at them. It can be quite fun if you're not sick of chiong sua from NS.

what wolfcry91 is talking about is the other form of paintball known as Speedball. Speedball is a fast paced game played on a small field (about the size of half a football field) with inflatable air bunkers. The main objective is to capture the opponents flag which is hung on the other side of the field and teams are made up of 3, 5 or 7 people a side. Everyone wears brightly coloured jerseys, run around very fast and generally try to take out the opponent as quickly and accurately as possible.

Recreational paintball in Singapore is played with a line in the middle of the field, as per the rules set out by the Singapore Police Force. Players cannot cross this line but the game is essentially the same, with players shooting at each other to eliminate them and achieving an ojective.

I hope this has proved enlightening.
Please feel free to ask any more questions about paintball/speedball here!

You know what, I've been staying in Yishun all my life and have no idea there is a Red Dynasty paintball perk there...:???:
Where is it exactly huh?:) Safra?

Hi! Red Dynasty Paintball Park is located inside Bottle Tree Park, directly opposite Yishun Stadium. Very convenient to get to for people living around Tampines as well (direct 20 min bus ride on 969 from Tampines Interchange)
Hi! Red Dynasty Paintball Park is located inside Bottle Tree Park, directly opposite Yishun Stadium. Very convenient to get to for people living around Tampines as well (direct 20 min bus ride on 969 from Tampines Interchange)

Oh.....:p Haven't step in there since it opened.
Eh, i wanna play too leh!!!
when do you guys always play? Cos I'm working on weekdays.