Paintball! More specifically, SPEEDBALL!

is it painful if the bullet hit? will there be any danger, let's say if hitting head or mask (will it break the mask?)
Yup if the paintball hits your body, there will be some pain. That's how you know you got hit! The pain is not severe, feels like someone poking hard with a stick.

Paintball masks and lens are designed to be able to withstand impact from paintballs fired from paintball markers. There is an international safety standard and all masks must meet or exceed those standards.

There is also a safety briefing by the marshalls before every game so as long as you abide by those rules, it is a very safe sport as there is no physical contact. Safer than soccer and basketball according to a recent sports injuries statistics report!
The final leg of the Singapore Paintball Novice Series happened on Sunday. A total of 14 teams took part, some of them consisted of very new players who just picked up the sport 2 months ago!

We also had a team of 30+ to 40+ year olds who called themselves the Mid Life Crusaders. They won SECOND PLACE. This goes to show that paintball is truly for everyone, young or mature!

Here are a selection of photos for your viewing pleasure!
A big thank you to Darren Leow for taking the photos.
You can view his work and other photos he took that day at

The Break Out
aka the first 3 seconds of the game



ya.. airsoft, paintball? *no link.. heh.. anyway i see our break out!! XD nv put my snake picture.. :) there's one of u lehh ian.. in the can i think..
aren't AirSoft guns the guns they use in paintball?

Nope they are not the same. Speedball and Airsoft are very different in which speedball has a "sports" element to it.

FYI, airsoft guns and paintball markers are not "banned" in Singapore. They are classified as firearms so if you cannot own one personally nor bring them in by youself.

For those into rifle shooting and Air Rifle competitions, they have to apply for permits and licensing from the Singapore Police Force through the club or organization they belong to.

ya.. airsoft, paintball? *no link.. heh.. anyway i see our break out!! XD nv put my snake picture.. :) there's one of u lehh ian.. in the can i think..

Eh you put yours la, I too paiseh to put mine up ... that round I was playing too loosely :(
erm.. nope.. :) airsoft guns, aka BB guns, shoot pellets of diameter which im not sure of.. .22 i think.. and paintball 'guns', or markers we call it, shoot paintballs (duh? XD) of diameter .68.. yup..
I'll arrange a session for interested softies for a session of basic paintball after the O Level period is over. The basic rates at the moment are:
- $35.90 for 100 paintballs (maybe 3 games but you don't get to fire much)
and $49.90 for 250 paintballs (at least 4-5 games!)

If there is a big group coming, I can try to get a group discount.