overrated bands?


Don't know why but the term 'emo' just sounds juvenile, desperate and whiney to me.

Probably that certain 'emo' guy from SI's fault lah.

Man, I better stop before people threaten to slit their wrists here..

I think its not the music that sucks, but the people who listen to it that do...like my friends in school, they heard RJA is stereotyped as emo, so they listen to it just to be labelled emo...anyway, why do i care?

there was a time, the demands for emo boyfriends soared.
everyone wanted an emo boy for themselves.

it's a hype! it's a hype! it's a hype!
i remember a time when boybands and girlbands were the bomb, now its emo bands. what happened to the classic rock'n'roll
metalyca, led zepper, and gun and rose.

dude Led Zeppelin is not overated! IMO overrated bands are excessively advertised. Well Led Zeppelin did not sell themselves to radio, tv or anything like that. What sold them was their music. Their albums and their raw energy performing live. Therefore, Led Zeppelin in my opinion is NOT overrated.
I totally agree with Freeko,even though im more into metal music

The reason why Led Zep was popluar was not due to gimmicks,advertising or being a one hit wonder.Even their most well-known song(Stairway To Heaven)was not released as a single but rather,one of the tracks in the album Led Zeppelin IV and despite their rock n roll excesses,it was their music that drove them to stardom more than anything else.Same cant be said for bands of today,who are more gimmick ridden.
Well for me i think the trend towards music is overrated. Take for example indie. Everyone in school thinks that indie is cool now because it means being "unique" and independent. Ironically, when too many people embrace indie than what's so indie about it anymore? Ironic fact number 2: If indie was really independent, why do indie bands still get signed to major record labels? (Warner/ Universal /EMI) Back then like around 3 years ago when brit bands like the libertines were new and not many had taken a liking to them yet. I still fondly remembered how much I enjoyed listening when back then everyone was listening to stuff like gwen stefani and the black eyed peas. now with the influx of indie being so popular, I'm afraid that indie has started to dig its own grave....literally. just like the emo fad now. Think glam rock and metal in the 80s that exploded into the scene, with too many bands that sounded similar and dug their own graves when the grunge revolution came about.

Music trends are overrated, and i applaud those who stick by what they listen to with resolve, not just steer towards the current fad because of what people currently think is cool/not cool. Including emo music (i don care whether you like emo music ornot, so long as you've liked it all this while and are not affected by what haters may say).
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totally agree

the whole point of 'overratedness' is people who jump on a new bandwagon proclaiming that their music of prefrence is the new trend and well due to this,record companies will follow suit and well alot of sub par second wave bands will come which willl just tarnish the reputation of the founders of the certain genre.kudos to those who stick to thier guns.and yeah led zep didnt have any singles
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No offence meant at all, but quite ironic seeing your username and reading that from you :lol:

lol none taken. i get that a lot. but really, i'm no emo kid. ask Dhalif, ask anyone who knows me. they'll tell you i'm far from it. LOL so what if my favourite bands include MCR, TBS, A7X and the likes? i ain't emo. hahahha.

my username's like that almost everywhere since 2-3 years back? i just didn't know what else to put. i didn't wanna use my own name either. LOL.

but yeah, nono, i'm not emo. :D
But to me, being over-rated is good as it bring in money for the musician. Imagine Metallica, not popular mainstream but underground, and they are not making money. I believe they will call it quits and work as a janitor or something for example, thus no more Metallica. Hhehehehe..

My 2 Cents..
But to me, being over-rated is good as it bring in money for the musician. Imagine Metallica, not popular mainstream but underground, and they are not making money. I believe they will call it quits and work as a janitor or something for example, thus no more Metallica. Hhehehehe..

My 2 Cents..

The problem is Metallica is a farking good band. :mrgreen:

Lots of the over-rated bands nowadays don't have substance.

They don't write their own songs, they suck 'live', some of them can't even sing or play their instruments for nuts. Basically, they are marketed and packaged to follow some stupid *EHEMo* trend.

absolutely true actually.they dont have substance.and well thier crediblity comes from publicity instead of hard work
Slayer is overrated in my opinion...

I find their music bland and rather boring as compared to other thrash metal bands of the same era like Destruction, Testament, Anthrax, Megadeth and Exodus.

I think Testament and Exodus are underrated...
the whole emo name calling thing is bullshit.my chemical romance is not emo[they suck and will aways do so].they popularize the whole emo is black clothes and eyeliners,trying to squeeze into your sisters jeans things.hell no.same for the used too.

the entire emo term is overrated and dumb.

before you go thinking emo sucks how about doing some research 1st?
the real emo is the bomb and the emo you have been cursing is just nothing but a fad.

stop stereotyping emo.

and read http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emo

the early years and 2nd wave is real emo not the black wearing idiots.

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