Order your Guitar Loudspeaker now!


New member
Is there any Guitar Loudspeaker Dealers in Singapore?

Has anyone ever thought of changing the speaker of your amp before?

Bigger watts, smaller watts for the break up and coloration, different frequency response, different db...etc.
Re: Is there any Guitar Loudspeaker Dealers in Singapore?

Celestion for car and hifi, have. Sim Lim got a lot.

for guitar, dunch have. i tried asking, they dun want to bother to bring in piece by piece :(
Swapping out the stock speakers in Marshall Combos for something like a vintage 30 makes a BIG difference.

Nearest distributor is in M'sia but you could always buy from US
I tried

The shipment is more expensive than the speaker.
If only there is more demand. Wondering why there is no talk about changing speaker? Imagine guitars without the ability to swap pickups, now we have amps but no speakers to swap. Hope to see a speaker store soon. :(
Not many people are interested in speakers since most Singaporean guitar players are more into pedals... the culture of dragging amps around for gigs isn't there.

Anyway if you need to MO or anything let me know. I'm on the hunt for a speaker as well.

If you want something cheap and good, Ceriatone has Sammi speakers which supposedly sounds decent. 50 USD each.
The shipment is more expensive than the speaker.
If only there is more demand. Wondering why there is no talk about changing speaker? Imagine guitars without the ability to swap pickups, now we have amps but no speakers to swap. Hope to see a speaker store soon.

First time I got here eight months ago, a celestion or eminence dealer is what I looked for first but found none. I also hope that there would be someone who would bring in guitar speakers as they play a vital role in our pursuit of tone and I believe that it would be a waste of time and money if you'll be buying a bunch of good pedals and play them through most-of-the-time crappy stock amp speakers. It's the last link in our tone-shaping process which is unfortunately often neglected by most of us opting instead to buy pedals to "correct" the problems.
Re: I tried

johnny_be_goode said:
The shipment is more expensive than the speaker.
If only there is more demand. Wondering why there is no talk about changing speaker? Imagine guitars without the ability to swap pickups, now we have amps but no speakers to swap. Hope to see a speaker store soon. :(

This is true...I paid more for shipment when I bought my 15 inch Weber speaker for my Fender Bronco.
But it's worth it. My original Fender speaker (taiwan made..though the amp itself USA ) sounded way too brittle.
That Weber changed a lot of the tonal characteristic of my Fender Bronco now.
I took a look on M123 and a vintage 30 is $110 plus $71 for postage, so thats $181 or SGD288. Maybe you can do it cheaper through vPost?

From memory thats about what you would pay in Oz for one.

$288 isn't a whole lot given the price that people pay for boutique pedals emulating vintage distortion which is then pumped out through a crappy stock speaker on a tranny amp.....
Mass Order

Tone is subjective, there will be hits and misses when getting a speaker, maybe most people prefer stock, or they have no chance to hear what speaker could do since there is no dealer here! The truth is that some cheaper model amp came with crappy speaker, because from where they came from, people will change speaker anyway. The higher end ones, will improve with better speaker! :twisted: :evil:

The best thing to do for guitarist is to visit the user group or forum of your amp to know what speaker works.

Lets look into Mass order. If musicians support this, I may even consider taking up the dealership of Speakers, have contacted Celestion/Jensen/Eminence. Thought of building custom 1X12 Cabinet and even amp for a long time.

Once there is a market here, people start trading their speaker, switching brands, we have succeed.

Yes thor666, can always consider Eminence, they build good speaker, lower price, there are some 100db loud. If everyone else want Eminence?
Lower price option of Celestion.

One fine article:

Mass Order Speakers anyone?
Well, as with most sales, the underlying factor is critical mass.

If you really want to consider dealership, you need to find enough people to buy speakers - regularly some more.

Say if you took Celestion or Eminence (guitar & bass speakers), you'd need to advertise and target at least the Singapore & Malaysia markets. Need to hunt for the people who are really interested.

Btw, sent you a PM with regards to 1x12 cabs.
If only there are more demands since most guitarist has at least an amp. They will need speakers too?

Awareness first?

If no respond.

Then i'll just buy from overseas.

If there is a Mass order this time round, then getting dealership is essential.

Once again

Mass Order Speaker:
1.(Brand Model): your name
Ah... they'll need good speakers if they have good amps. And usually, good tube amps...

But I digress.

Mass Order Speaker:
1. Eminence Red White and Blues - thor666
I think Johnny_be_goode looking at Eminence/Celestion/Jenson...

Tone Tubby is ex man.. hehe... the alnico 12" guitar speaker that is... I think ordering one along with shipping and GST would set you back about $600. :lol:
yea.. i think in that case i'll wait for Souljah to share shipping with me...
our DRRI deserve the best. haha... though the current stock jensen isnt that bad at all...

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