I beg to differ. You're fine in ANY JC as long as you keep consistent and focused. I myself was from a lower-tier JC but I'm currently pursuing my undergrad degree in Engineering at one of the top 10 universities in the world. Guess, I turned out okay?
At the end of the day employers don't look at which school you're from, they look at
HOW WELL you performed in that school, and I speak from experience. So, I hope this might make some decisions easier for some of you guys. All the best with your applications.
But now that I look back, should have studied harder instead of playing around so much. Hahaha.
well, imho, the school DOES matter. but not as much as the results.
I assume you went there by getting a scholarship?
i dont agree.. a good jc thinks that their student are good so they teach very little.. compare sr's notes to vj's and you will find their's are much more detailed
i dont agree.. a good jc thinks that their student are good so they teach very little.. compare sr's notes to vj's and you will find their's are much more detailed
Haha, I wish bro. Funding myself. Well, it's a very long and convoluted story but I'm sadly no longer offcially affiliated to Singapore (had to cancel my PRship). So, I wasn't eligible for any scholarships![]()
Well then my friend you must understand not everyone is rich enough to fund an overseas scholarship, especially the average Singaporean. So it's more or less local uni or private degree(in Singapore).
Haha, I wish bro. Funding myself. Well, it's a very long and convoluted story but I'm sadly no longer offcially affiliated to Singapore (had to cancel my PRship). So, I wasn't eligible for any scholarships![]()
Also,hw is meridian!?!