O Levels Students 2009!!

go jc can play more than go poly, because in jc nothing counts until the A's, whereas every assignment from day one counts in the nxt 3 years in poly. hahahaha.
Actually not so true. In poly you can relax more because everything is spaced into 3 years, plus you have a lot more time to do stuff, in my opinion. Especially if you don't join a CCA, your life can be just studies and your past time. Unfortunately for me in poly it was 95% fun and 5% actual studying.
ACJC Science.. third choice.

I really wanted VJ or TJ though. appealed to both.

the distance to AC is KILLER
cool terra.. im from vulcan. haha their names are funny.. maa.. ac orientation is one of the best man:) eh few of my frens also stay very far come ac.. maybe seeya tmr.. if i can recognise u.
wad was ur sec sch?