O Levels Students 2009!!

mine was shit.

eng C6
comb humans B3
Comb sci B4
maths C5
malay B3
L1R4 19

and i'm shocked at my eng results.its usually A2-B3.
meh,i'm really disappointed. goodbye business and early childhood courses
but life goes on,no point moping around
WALAO... All do so well. =/
I'm ashamed to post my results here, but hell, i'm gonna do it anyways.

Combined Humanities-B4
E Math-B3
A Math-C5(Huge improvement, considering the fact that the only exam i have ever passed was in Sec 3, mid-year)
Combined Science-A2

okaye here are my options!

1)Temasek poly Business Studies Group
2)Mass communications
3)retail management
4)Law and management
5th onwards, dont know and i dont really bother

Cut off point for first choice is 15 for L1R4. Got a 9 for L1R4 minus Cca. so i THINK im pretty safe....
Anyone going there???? and all the courses are all under temasek poly. Although the business may not be the best around, but ngee ann is too far:) hahaha.
go to law if you do have passion for it, cos its really alot of stuff to absorb, but overall its really interesting. i've a load of friends transferring from law to BSG in tp because they simply dont have the passion in law
your results seem to be pretty damn good.. i expected mine to be better than this.

english b4 (had a2 for prelims)
combined humanities (ss/h) c5
geography a2 (never had anything above b4 before)
e math a2
a math a2
combined science(phy/chem) a2
malay c6
cca b4 (so 1 point bonus)

so l1r5 16(17-1) and l1r4 11(12-1)

thinking of taking accountancy at ngee ann poly.. but still unsure of where to go.. poly or jc?
i have a question.. i kno i sound stoopid but is ngee ann sec and ngee ann poly affiliated? cos i missed the cop of the course i want by 1 point T_T
haha nope they are not affiliated. then ngee ann city affliated? haha. just jk mate;)
anyway, yea go JC if u can mug really hard and handle stress very well. and usually people go if they score 10 and below..
if you wanna go jc, go to a good jc.

This is very true. For someone who has experienced life in different JCs, it is true that those top JCs are better than the rest.

But in my opinion, it's because of the people you get to hang out with. I mean, top schools attract students with better capabilities in their academic studies.
This is very true. For someone who has experienced life in different JCs, it is true that those top JCs are better than the rest.

But in my opinion, it's because of the people you get to hang out with. I mean, top schools attract students with better capabilities in their academic studies.

Not entirely true, my JC class was so slack...... but then again maybe we were the odd ones out.

On a more serious note if you go to JC you have to work hard for the whole two years or else you'll find yourself in a deep mess when the actual exam comes.
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It doesn't matter what JC you go to, if you can't make it to a good JC, then go to a lousier one. But make sure you study hard there. A lot of people advice going to a good JC, because the environment of muggers will make you feel the heat and mug yourself. I know lots of people from one of the worst JCs in Singapore and they all seem to end up in a private Uni. Why not just go poly then? You can get a diploma, as well as a private Uni degree minus 1 year. JC is critical, do bad in your A Levels and you will have headache, do well and you save yourself alot of trouble.
This is very true. For someone who has experienced life in different JCs, it is true that those top JCs are better than the rest.

But in my opinion, it's because of the people you get to hang out with. I mean, top schools attract students with better capabilities in their academic studies.

i dont agree.. a good jc thinks that their student are good so they teach very little.. compare sr's notes to vj's and you will find their's are much more detailed
if you wanna go jc, go to a good jc.

I beg to differ. You're fine in ANY JC as long as you keep consistent and focused. I myself was from a lower-tier JC but I'm currently pursuing my undergrad degree in Engineering at one of the top 10 universities in the world. Guess, I turned out okay?

At the end of the day employers don't look at which school you're from, they look at
HOW WELL you performed in that school, and I speak from experience. So, I hope this might make some decisions easier for some of you guys. All the best with your applications.

woah hot sia. ok here's mine

Eng B3 (like wts- what the shit)
Chinese B3 ( same like EL crap )
Phys A1
Chem A2
Bio B3
Combined (lit ss) A1

L1R5 -10-2 = 8 (not surprising i knew EL was going to cock up but still cant help feeling a little dissapointed. Haiz at least I going to get a 12 string soon :-D)
L1R4 -6

Ajc Sajc Cjc here i come.

For those who got 10 below you are awesome so am I lol.
Those who got 10 above you are awesome too just at the mercy of the heartless Singapore education system that's all. No sweat:cool:

Wahhh Aj first choice? Dropping by the open house today? My experience in AJ was kind of rad actually. Just hang out with the right people and you'll have a blast in the school. The teachers were pretty cool as well. *thumbs up*

But now that I look back, should have studied harder instead of playing around so much. Hahaha.